When Is The Right Time For Embrio Transfer, Signs Must Undergo IVF
When is the right time for embryo transfer (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - The IVF program is a pregnancy method that can be undertaken by married couples. This IVF method is a solution for couples who have not been blessed with children or have difficulty having children naturally.

The IVF method is carried out by combining sperm cells and eggs (ovum) outside the uterus. This merger process is carried out in a special container stored in the laboratory. Procedures or stages of IVF are indeed not simple. Starting from the process to post-displacement of embryos.

Procedures for IVF need to be understood for married couples, especially for those of you who plan pregnancy with this method. It is important to understand starting from the preparation of taking sperm cells and eggs, when is the right time for the transfer embryo, and others.

The embryo transfer is part of the fertilization process of the IVF method. This embryo transfer process is indeed quite complicated and requires extra preparation from patients. Usually, patients are asked to take fertility drugs to stimulate the ovarian to release healthy eggs.

The healthy eggs released are then placed in a laboratory container to be seeded by sperm. If the seeded egg has reproduced, the embryo has just been transferred or inserted into the uterus of the woman or mother.

To be able to get pregnant, the embryo that was inserted earlier had to attach itself to the uterine wall. It takes about 3 weeks for one full IVF cycle. Sometimes the stages are divided into several parts and the process takes longer.

Many couples are wondering when is the right time for embryo transfer. Some couples may be confused, whether they need embryo transfer and are undergoing the IVF program. While not a few are still hesitant to do this IVF method.

There are various conditions of time that support embryo transfer for IVF or IVF program. Here are some times or conditions that are recommended for embryo transfer:

One of the right times for embryo transfer is when ovulation is rare. In addition, embryo transfer methods can also be selected if the available egg is only small and is fairly low for the success rate of fertilization.

The tuba channel is the place where eggs and sperm cells meet. This part is also the path that embryos will pass to reach the uterus. If this channel is injured or damaged, the egg can have difficulty meeting sperm. In addition, this condition also makes it difficult for pregnant eggs to reach the uterus safely.

Endometrosis is a tissue condition from the uterus that is translucent and grows outside the uterus, Endometrosis can affect the way the female reproductive organs work. This condition is also referred to as the right time to transfer embryos for the IVF program.

Another condition that can also be chosen to transfer embryos is when a premature ovarian failure occurs. When the ovaries fail, the ovaries cannot produce normal amounts of estrogen or release eggs regularly.

The uterine fibroid is a condition of small tame tumors in the muscles or uterine walls. This tumor can interfere with the embryo's ability to plant itself in the uterus, thereby risking pregnancy.

embryo transfer can also be chosen if a person has a genetic disorder. Because some genetic disorders can affect the reproductive organs. This condition may interfere with the pregnancy process and risk difficulty getting pregnant.

The right time for embryo transfer does not only refer to the condition of women, but also from the male side. In the male case, embryo transfer can be chosen if there is a sperm production disorder. The disorders in question are such as low sperm production, poor sperm movement, abnormalities in manifold water, and others.

Demikianlah reviewasi mengenai kapan waktu yang tepat untuk transfer embryo menjalani program bayi tabung. Jika seorang perempuan maupun pria mengalami beberapa kondisi di atas, maka bisa jadi alasan yang tepat untuk melakukan transfer embryo. Baca juga cara menggalakan sperm dalam 1 hari.

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