JAKARTA - Artist Atta Halilintar tries to expand his business in the world of esports or entertainment and sports by introducing a talent management called Godslave Squad (GSS).

Together with his wife, Aurel Hermansyah, Atta founded this talent agency to provide opportunities for young people to develop, especially in the world of esports.

"The GodSslave Squad was established with the aim of providing opportunities for young people to (get) develop," said Atta Halilintar in a media broadcast received by VOI, Friday, March 15.

This is because Atta Halilintar as the originator and also the Brand Ambassador of this talent agency believes that there are still many young people in Indonesia who are talented in the field of esports.

"We believe that many young Indonesians who are talented and GSS will be the right forum for them," he continued.

Furthermore, the father of two children believes that later this esportainment can become the future of the entertainment world in Indonesia.

"We will focus on the Province segment because we believe it is the future of the Indonesian entertainment world," he said.

Not alone, Atta collaborated with Mohammad Anindya Pohan, as co-Founder of GSS. Pohan has the same vision and mission as Atta in advancing Indonesia's creative economy through esports.

"We hope that the presence of GSS will have a positive impact on Indonesia's creative economy ecosystem. I believe that Atta as a mentor and brother figure for GSS children can have a positive impact on the development and talent of GSS children," added Pohan.

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