JAKARTA - Artist Dian Sastrowardoyo recounted the lowest point in his life after recently deciding to convert to Islam. This moment occurred in 2002 when he was in Bali after the Bali bombing one.

At that time Dian had to continue his journey to Singapore to meet his mother. He said that he had to be at Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport at 3 am, a tiring moment began when he got off the plane's entrance incorrectly.

"I left the hotel at 3 am, dark, still quiet, in Bali like a dead city. I was dropped at Ngurah Rai Airport, right? Wrong drop. This smart person dropped it domestically. 'Oh yes, I'm international'. It's me walking from domestic to international. It's 2 or 3 kilos away," said Dian Sastrowardoyo, quoted by VOI from YouTube Denny Sumargo, Friday, March 15.

Dian explained that at that time it was very quiet, he said that as long as he looked at no one he met to be able to help him carry luggage.

"Gotong-coup at 3 am, this Dian Sastro who has just converted to Islam, there are no natives. And it's really at 3 am a human being as far as the eye can see no one," continued Dian.

It turned out that his luck did not stop there, this 41-year-old woman forgot to prepare money to pay fiscal. For some reason at that time Dian could not find an ATM machine while at the airport even though the boarding time was tight.

Seeing this, Dian, who has surrendered and feels that the world seems to have collapsed, can only pray to God.

"That's where I'm weak, I'm just like this, 'oh God it's up to you. If it's true I won't go'. But there I feel really down, I feel like life is really going to collapse," he explained.

Unexpectedly after praying, an Angkasa Pura Bali officer offered to pay for his fiscal. From there Dian began to believe that God was true.

"Suddenly, the man who was guarding Angkasa Pura Bali, Balinese, 'here, ma'am, I'll just pay the fiscal'. Suddenly, he was assisted by unknown people," he added.

"There I believe God exists. If you pray, you answer. It depends on how surrender you pray," concluded Dian.

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