JAKARTA - Urbanart architecture who handled the renovation of Sabda Ahessa's house finally spoke up regarding the bailout fund case that Wulan Guritno reported to the South Jakarta District Court.

Junita, Owner of Urbanart Architectural, said that the money sued by Wulan Guritno was the remaining money that had not been paid by Sabda Ahessa.

It is known that Sabda's own house has been completed since February 2023 and has only been paid by Sabda in November 2023 with the help of Wulan Guritno.

"That the funds reported to the court in 2024 are the remaining stagnant development in 2023. Only road to pay in November 2023," Junita told the media crew, Saturday, March 9.

In addition, Junita revealed that the renovations carried out by Sabda were not only women's rooms that were given to Wulan Guritno but almost all houses.

"But renovations are not only 1 room or 1 wardrobe, but one house," he said.

The pool part was also renovated at the initiative of Wulan Guritno. "And the costs are borne by Wulan, not included in the bill," said Nita.

Junita understands the report submitted by Wulan Guritno to Sabda. Because the 28-year-old man did not show good faith to pay and even seemed to avoid it.

"So the point is that it will not be reported if Sabda is cooperative. Because previously Mas Ficky ( Wulan Guritno's legal power) demanded that the Sabda be scolded," he concluded.

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