YOGYAKARTA Nyepi Day is one of the special days that Hindus have. At Nyepi moment, Hindus have a unique tradition of being silent all day. The meaning of celebrating Nyepi Day itself is quite deep.

This article will provide information regarding Nyepi Day which is celebrated by Hindus in Indonesia, including the traditions.

Reporting from the website of the Buleleng Regency Government, Nyepi Day is defined as the day of self-reliance for humans and nature. Nyepi is Saka's new year celebration in the Saka calendar used by Hindus as a benchmark for silting.

The Hindu Community Guidance Office of the East Java Ministry of Religion Ida Made Windya, S. Ag quoted from the Ministry of Religion.go.id explained that Nyepi Day is carried out once a year, namely during Pananggal 1 Sasih Wai Badaka the day after Tilem Caitra. Although the holiday can be understood as Saka's new year, the meaning of Nyepi Day celebration is based on spiritual values.

As explained earlier, Nyepi is based on spiritual values. Nyepi philosophy can be seen from the activities of Hindus who ask God, Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, to purify Bhuana Alit (humans) and Bhuana Agung (natural and whole).

On Nyepi Day, humans must also let go of greed. Taking activities must be balanced with giving activities, namely in the form of sincere offerings. This value has so far been maintained by Hindus during Nyepi celebration.

Hindus have rules and taboos that all people must pay attention to during Nyepi Day, which is as follows.

Hindus are prohibited from making or lighting elements related to anger such as fire, electricity, or light.

This pantangan is in the form of a ban on spree or excessive fun during Nyepi celebrations.

Hindus are prohibited from traveling and are advised to stay at home except 24 hours.

In addition to the taboo to leave the house, Hindus are also prohibited from working as long as Nyepi takes place.

Nyepi Day lasts for one day. However, Hindus in Bali have a series of events both held before and after Nyepi celebrations. The following is a series of Nyepi traditions in Bali.

Melasti is throwing away and releasing the dirt in the human heart so that it becomes a sacred figure physically and mentally. The Melasti ceremony procession was held three days before Nyepi.

After going through it, it was continued with the Tawur Agung Kesanga ceremony. Held one day before Nyepi. This event is held at various levels starting at home, banjar, village, to province. Each level has different banten / offerings.

This ceremony was held by going around the yard carrying a torch and sounding sounds while sprinkling tawur rice. Currently Ngepruk is enlivened by the ogoh-ogoh parade.

Hindus celebrate Nyepi by standing still in the midst of silence through tapa, brata, yoga, and semadhi. This celebration was carried out by paying attention to Nyepi's rules and prohibitions.

Shooting Geni is defined as releasing the brata as a sign of the end of austerity. Usually Hindus will be in masimakrama or friendship with family members or neighbors as a form of harmony.

That's what Nyepi Day celebration means. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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