JAKARTA - When someone suffers diabetes, it's because their body doesn't produce enough insulin or can't use insulin properly, so glucose accumulates in the blood.
High blood glucose levels can cause a variety of symptoms, from fatigue to heart disease. One way to control blood sugar is by consuming healthy foods and drinks.
Generally, the type of food and drink that can be absorbed slowly is what the body needs because it does not cause spikes and drops in blood sugar.
To measure the effect of certain foods or drinks on blood sugar levels, it can be seen from the Glycemic Index (GI). If people with diabetes want to control their blood sugar levels, then they should choose foods with a low or moderate GI score. You can also combine foods with low and high GI scores to ensure that they are balanced.
Citing the Medical News Today page, Monday, March 1, below are some drink recommendations for diabetics who want to maintain blood sugar stability.
Skim milk
Diabetics can consume blood sugar-lowering drinks such as unsweetened skim milk. With a low-fat content, this drink is safe to drink every day. Even though it is low in fat and unsweetened, skim milk is still rich in various vitamins and minerals that the body needs.
Avocado juice
Avocado is very delicious to be eaten directly or made into juice. This fruit is also useful for reducing blood sugar levels so it is good for diabetics.

Diabetics are still safe if they want to drink coffee as long as they don't add a mixture of sugar to it. A 2012 study found that unsweetened coffee can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. The right limit for drinking coffee for diabetics is 2 to 3 cups of coffee per day.
Vegetable juices
Vegetable juices have been shown to be safer for diabetics to drink than fruit juices. The reason is, fruit juice is found to be more sugar than vegetable juice. To reduce the bitter taste, you can mix several choices of vegetables into juices, such as tomatoes, celery, and cucumber.

According to research, green tea can have a positive impact on the health of the body. Drinking 6 cups of green tea a day can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Other types of tea such as black tea and herbal teas are also good at lowering blood sugar levels as long as you don't add sugar to them.
Mineral Water
Water is the best drink to lower blood sugar in the body. Diligently consuming water can reduce excess glucose because it will be excreted through urine. To get more benefits from plain water, you can add lemon, lime, mint, or honey slices to the water.
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