When Did Prediabetes Say? How To Prevent And Treat Before Becoming A Diabetic Disease
When did it say prediabetes (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Prediabetes needs to be understood by everyone to anticipate the risk of diabetes. This condition can be an initial indicator of the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus disease in the future. So when did it say prediabetes and symptoms that could be detected?

Prediabetes is a high blood sugar condition or beyond normal limits. However, prediabetes stage of blood sugar is still not as high as in people with type 2 diabetes. Although it has not been categorized as having diabetes, if it is not treated immediately, the condition has the potential to become diabetes mellitus.

As an initial understanding, prediabetics are the condition of elevated blood sugar levels (glucose), but have not yet reached the threshold to be called diabetes. However, people who experience prediabetics have a higher risk of developing diabetes if not treated appropriately immediately.

People are called prediabetes when having fasting blood sugar levels between 100-125 mg/dl. So what are the differences in prediabetics and diabetes? Patients are said to be diabetic when fasting blood sugar levels reach 126 mg/dl or exceed that amount. Prediabetes is a sign that the body's sensitivity to insulin is starting to weaken or decrease.

The cause of prediabetes is basically the same as diabetes mellitus. It's just that the severity or different blood sugar levels. Prediabetes occur due to disruption of the process of processing glucose into an energy source.

The glukas processing disorder is caused by the body's cells not responding well to insulin. Even though the pancreas produces more insulin, it is unable to keep up with it. This condition is what makes glucose that should enter the body's cells and be processed into energy, it actually experiences a buildup in the bloodstream.

Prediabetes can also be experienced by people who have a history of descent or genetics from parents who hate diabetes. In addition, excessive weight and lack of activities can also be the cause of prediabetes.

Prediabetes can actually be experienced by anyone. However, there are several categories of people who have a higher risk of prediabetes. Here are some conditions that risk causing prediabetes.

Prediabetes conditions often do not show certain symptoms, so the sufferer is not aware. However, as a step to be more vigilant, identify the following symptoms of prediabetics.

Prediabetic diagnosis is an important step in monitoring health conditions. This medical check-up can only be done by doctors through a series of tests. The following is an explanation from the test for prediabetic diagnosis:

To undergo this test, the patient must fast. Patients then consume special sugar drinks. After that, the patient will do a blood sugar test 2 hours after drinking the solution. The results showing prediabetic patients are when blood sugar levels are at 140-199 mg/dL.

This A1c hemoglobin test is used to determine the average blood sugar level in the last 3 months. Through this diagnosis test, it will show patients who are said to prediabetes if the HbA1c level ranges from 5.7-6.4%.

The GDP test is carried out to check blood sugar levels in a state of fasting or empty stomach. Patients undergoing this test must fast 8 hours before examination. Patients are said to prediabetes if blood sugar levels are between 100-125 mg/dL.

Knowing blood sugar levels is very important to prevent and treat prediabetes before it's too late. The normal prediabetic signature is when the blood sugar levels are at normal, which is 100 mg/dl.

Although it has not yet entered the diabetes mellitus stage, make sure to immediately carry out treatment so that it does not become type II diabetes.

Here are some tips that can be done to prevent the risk of prediabetes:

Here are a number of tips that you can apply to treat prediabetes:

Demikianlah penjelasan kapan dikatakan prediabetes sebelum dianggap penyakit diabetes type II. Sebagai upaya untuk menjaga kesehatan, sebaiknya Anda melakukan tes kesehatan secara periodic untuk bisa melakukan pencegahan dan penanganan yang tepat. Baca juga risiko penyakit berdasarkan kelompok darah.

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