Denada Is Happy, Aisha No Longer Undergoes Cancer Treatment Until She Is Already In School
Denada dan Aisha Arum (Instagram @denadaindonesia)

JAKARTA - Singer Denada, Aisha Arum is known to have recovered after being diagnosed with blood cancer or leuchemicals since she was 5 years old. Aisha herself undergo chemotherapy in Singapore.

On one occasion, Denada told about the current condition of the princess. He explained that Aisha's condition was fine, he also asked for prayers for his daughter's health.

"Alhamdulillah, just ask for prayers," said Denada in the Cipete area, South Jakarta, recently.

In addition, the 45-year-old woman also said that her daughter had started actively going to school after undergoing treatment for cancer and tumors for a long time.

"No, thank God it's already school," continued Denada.

So far, Denada has said that his daughter, who has been declared cured, does not need to carry out any more treatment.

"No, there is no treatment whatsoever yet," he concluded.

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