Body Driver Film Review: Death That Can Make The Audience Forget
Body Driver Film (Instagram @filmpemmandijenazah)

JAKARTA - The Body Modeling film produced by Visual Media Studio production house has been officially released in Indonesian cinemas since February 22 yesterday. The film, directed by Hadrah Daeng Ratu, collaborated with Aghniny Haque to Djenar Maesa Ayu as the main player.

Broadly speaking, the film Pemandin Jenazah tells the story of a young woman named Lela (Aghniny Haque) who has to continue her mother's profession as a corpse coder, which has been carried out for generations by her family.

However, as if not being allowed to choose a job for himself, one night Lela saw how her mother suddenly died in an unnatural way. Not long after, some close friends of her mother also experienced the same incident.

After that, Lela's life changed with so many terror and mysterious stories that emerged after the number of deaths in her village increased.

As a director, Hadrah Daeng Ratu is very slick in packing the stories presented in this film, because the storyline is conveyed in detail and slowly but not boring and easily understood by the audience. So that the audience can enjoy every emotion that the director tries to give in this film to the fullest.

This is increasingly supported by convincing and non-excessive visuals presented in this corpse coder film. For example, in the depiction of bodies made ceretic, it is possible, as well as the figure of ghosts whose shape is not made too scary. Although there are no sadistic scenes, the audience can still feel the fear given by this film.

The details presented also quite convincing the audience about the tense atmosphere built by the characters of this film. Such as the details in the screening scene of each body that has just died, namely how to wrap the body, the use of cotton to cover the face to the use of real grave soil.

There is no doubt that the main cast in the film, such as well-built chemistry between Aghniny Haque and Djenar Maesa Ayu as a mother and child couple. Then the nature of Aghniny as Lela is able to show every emotion felt by her character very well.

This makes the audience also flow in the life of Lela which is heavy, full of terror and confusion that she feels.

The tension in the Jendingan Jenazah film also deserves thumbs up, even though the jumpscare-jumpscare shown is predictable by the audience but still surprised. This is supported by a solid story so that the audience seems not to be made to breathe by the surprises of the creatures here.

The comedy seasoning given in this film is not too coercive and does not interfere with the story that focuses on giving fear, so that the audience does not feel disturbed by the comedy given but remains imprinted on the shadow.

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