JAKARTA - A legal expert, Dr. Chairul Huda denied that Tamara Tyasmara was involved in the case of her son's death, Dante. Based on legal observations, there is no fact linking this matter.

"Yes, the speculation usually works on infotainment, if legal people talk about facts. So, the facts don't connect," said Chairul Huda in the Pamulang area, South Tangerang, Wednesday, February 21.

Chairul Huda took one of the facts related to the love affair between Tamara and Yudha Arfandi alias YA, the perpetrator of the murder of his son. Even though he was in a relationship for 2 years, she could not immediately say that Tamara Tyasmara was involved in the Dante murder case.

"I heard, see, read the facts between the perpetrator and the victim's mother in a relationship for 2 years and they used to go together, the perpetrator also had children who were the same age, say with the victim who used to hang out," explained Chairul.

"Well, those are the facts we see, what we are trying to consume legally. If we consume legally, this event is rather difficult to relate to the involvement of the mother," he continued.

In addition, he argues that no other party is involved in the death of the 6-year-old boy other than YA himself.

"The fact is that so far no one has supported the involvement of other parties other than those who have been named as suspects," he added.

According to Chairul Huda, the police cannot cover up or try to benefit one of the parties in this incident. He believes that the police will immediately resolve this case properly.

"And I also think the police will not say they have an interest in saying to protect certain parties or for example covering up the involvement of certain parties, for the police this is a red and white case, say something like that," he explained.

"So it must be what they revealed about this. And so far it has shown that there has been involvement in the single act, namely the suspect," he concluded.

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