YOGYAKARTA Self-actualization refers to the process of realizing and digging as well as finding potential and capabilities. Albert Einstein, for example, this famous physicist has contributed not only to science breakthroughs, but also to advocate for social justice aimed at humanity. Mahatma Gandhi, led a violent independence movement that dedicated his life to promoting peace, justice and equality.

Counseling psychologist and author Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D., said that everyone wants to achieve a laudable goal. Self-actualization, cited from Psychology Today, Monday, February 19, was introduced by Abraham Maslow referring to the process of realizing and fulfilling their potential and abilities. Importantly noted, the process of self-actualizing is personal, subjective, and can vary with each person. However, Bernstein provides the following guidance for implementing self-actualization.

Many experts embed self-awareness' in various aspects related to mentality. Precisely, this self-awareness means understanding yourself and recognizing your goals. Then start taking time to reflect on your values, beliefs, strengths, weaknesses, and interests. You can write down every detail in a daily journal to track down every travel point while identifying your thoughts and feelings.

Identifying goals is important. Because that way, you can revisit the short- and long-term goals that have been determined. It also helps you stay focused and motivated on the journey towards self-actualization.

Learning is done throughout life. So Bernstein's advice, embrace opportunities to learn and develop. Whether it's through formal education, independent studies, or practical experience, expanding your knowledge and skills is very important. In addition to embracing learning opportunities, embracing also challenges to develop. Get out of the comfort zone and find new aspects in yourself so that resilience also develops.

Many people are willing to become people pleasers so that they can 'go up the stairs' quickly. But because they try to please many people, they tend to be dishonest with themselves. In fact, according to Bernstein, being honest with yourself is a way of growing true self-esteem. Avoid adapting to public expectations that hinder personal growth.

It is also important to train full attention, so that every process is truly realized. This method also helps you stay connected to yourself and reduce stress.

Self-growth in the process of implementing self-actualization, it is important to support a positive connection. Fostering positive relationships and being surrounded by supportive people as well as one vision and mission is important. Bernstein said a healthy connection can provide emotional support and contribute to overall well-being. Plus, it is also important to contribute to others. Give a positive impact on those of you who involve voluntary, mentoring, or just being kind and helping others.

Psychologist Bernstein reminds again, the process of implementing self-actualization is a personal journey. Everyone has different qualities and characteristics on its journey. However, the process of actualizing oneself is a continuous journey. This means it is important to remain patient, do it consistently, and be compassion for yourself.

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