JAKARTA - Alice Norin became public attention after admitting to suffering from sarkoma cancer. This was revealed by Alice Norin through a video of her journey through cancer, which was uploaded on Instagram on Friday, February 16.

"I was sentenced to sarkoma cancer, which is a rare cancer that develops in the uterine muscles," said Alice Norin. This condition started with her often experiencing lower stomach pain since August 2023. After being examined, she turned out to have a miom, which does not need surgery if it does not interfere.

"In short, I often feel stomach pain at the bottom of August 2023, and it was found that I had a miom, which according to the doctor, if it doesn't interfere, there is no need for surgery," he said.

However, in December 2023, Alice Norin felt unbearable pain from her stomach until she decided to go straight to the doctor. The doctor who examined her immediately asked if Alice Norin had a history of cancer, which her mother had experienced.

Alice then underwent a series of examinations, and it turned out that the miom she was wearing was 6 cm in size and around her there were blood vessels indicated to be virulent. He was then advised to check with a phomaternal doctor.

"As soon as it's time to enter the doctor's room, it's getting more and more nervous and very afraid of the results coming out. And it's true that the results are also feared by doctor A, the number of blood vessels near myom indicates ferocity," he explained.

Through the phomaternal examination, the doctor diagnosed Alice Norin with sarkoma cancer. He also had to undergo major surgery with all the consequences he had to bear.

"After the autopsy, if it is malignant, all the reproductive organs and two common glands must be removed to stop the possibility of their cancer spreading. This means that I willopause early and can no longer have children. We finally scheduled a major operation on Saturday, December 16," added Alice Norin.

In her upload, Alice Norin also thanked the people who prayed for her. He also hopes that others will always stay healthy. "Thank you very much for your prayers. All of you are healthy," concluded Alice Norin.

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