5 Things Parents Must Do When The Baby's First Teeth Grows
Illustration of things that parents do when the baby's first teeth grow (Freepik/rawpixel.com)

YOGYAKARTA Most babies will grow their first teeth at the age of between 6-12 months. At that time, babies began to explore new experiences with the mouth, experience increased saliva, often insert their hands into the mouth, and other behaviors that marked the growth of their first teeth. The baby's first teeth, generally the lower front teeth or lower middle-series teeth. Dairy teeth, on average, will all grow at the age of 3. When the baby's first teeth begin to grow, this is what parents have to do.

At the age of 6 months, babies are entering their MPASI age. At that age they are only allowed to eat solid food along with their first teeth growing. Fluoride, is a mineral that helps prevent tooth damage by hardening an enamel of teeth. When your baby's first teeth grow, talk to your pediatrician. Ask for a list of food or drinks that contain fluoride and how important it is to add it to keep your baby's teeth from falling out easily.

Growth in teeth usually doesn't cause much discomfort. But many babies show uncomfortable signs in the area of tooth growth, gums, or the vicinity of the teeth may be swollen and painful. They will also saliva more than usual. To treat these conditions, the ortu can help relieve pain by massaging gums with a clean finger, giving a thick tooth growth ring, or offering biscuits.

When growing first teeth, the baby's body temperature may increase slightly. However, according to a study published in Pediatrics reported by Healthy Children, Friday, February 9, fever has nothing to do with tooth growth. For the right diagnosis, it is important to consult with your pediatrician.

Stay away from tooth-growing tablets that contain poison. The toxic content of bboradonna and benzokain plants, may relieve pain but have the potential for negative side effects. In addition, it is not recommended to give a yellow tooth-growing necklace because there has been no research on its effectiveness.

Once your child has teeth, you have to brush them twice a day by applyingfluoride toothpaste the size of a piece of rice, especially after the last drink or food that day. Remember not to put your baby to sleep with a bottle because it can cause tooth damage.

When your child is 3 years old, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Dental Association (ADA), and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends usingfluoride-sized toothpaste when brushing teeth.

If your child is capable, teach them to vomit the rest of toothpaste. You should apply toothpaste to your dental brush until your child is about 6 years old. Parents should monitor and accompany their child when brushing teeth until he is about 7 or 8 years old.

During regular visits of healthy children, your pediatrician will check your baby's teeth and gums to ensure his health and talk to you about how to keep him healthy. If your child doesn't have a dentist yet, ask your pediatrician. This is the best step to get recommendations to help prevent tooth damage.

Those are the five things parents have to do when the baby's first teeth grow. In addition to the above, it is important to maintain nutritional and vitamin balance to optimally support baby growth.

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