Head Of BKKBN: Ladies And Gentlemen Please Know, Non-Sterile Bottles Of Milk Can Cause Diarrhea Toddlers
Head of BKKBN Hasto Wardoyo when socializing the proud dating program and accelerating stunting reduction with BKKBN partners in DI Yogyakarta on Wednesday (7/2/2024). (Between/HO-BKKBN)

Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Hasto Wardoyo reminded mothers to be careful when giving milk to toddlers, especially in the use of milk bottles, because if they are not sterile it can trigger diarrhea.

"A lot of people get lost using bottle milk or formula milk, finally the child has a lot of diarrhea. Why diarrhea? Not because of the milk, but because the bottle is not sterile, so the milk marks left in the bottle become a bacterial nest, if the bottle is not really sterilized," said Hasto in his statement in Jakarta as quoted by Antara, Thursday.

Hasto conveyed this in the socialization of the proud dating program and the acceleration of stunting reduction with BKKBN partners in DI Yogyakarta, on Wednesday (7/2), together with family assistant teams (TPK) in the DI Yogyakarta area.

He explained that the stunting acceleration program must be right on target, and to assess this, one of which is by looking at the intellectual abilities and skills of a child whether it is good or not.

"(The intellectual ability) shows that children are not stunted. The next elected president must also prioritize human resource development," he said.

This obstetrician and obstetrician again reminded that preventing stunting is important in the first 1,000 days of life (HPK), or when the baby is 0-2 years old.

"God will close the baby's crown after the age of two. It is unlikely that the baby's brain development will develop after the age of two. So, pregnancy must be planned. If pregnant, don't play games, don't play games, don't get pregnant," he said.

He stated that the characteristics of stunting are short, but short children are not necessarily stunted, where there is a distinctive characteristic, namely the brain of stunting children who are less intelligent and physically often sick due to lack of animal protein.

"When they grow up, stunting children will experience central obesity (inflated stomach) which is prone to high blood disease, heart disease, stroke, and the like. This stunting usually lacks animal protein intake," he said.

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