YOGYAKARTA Heart health or liver, it is important to pay attention to because this organ functions important for the body. The heart is a solid organ that has 500 functions.

The main role of the liver, among others, supports metabolism, detoxification, and immune function. In addition to helping break foods that are eaten into energy, the liver also breaks certain substances and reduces toxins that are harmful to the body so that they can be removed from the bloodstream. Plus, the heart plays a role in maintaining hormonal balance, said medical herbal expert Natasha Richardson. To support the liver to work well and stay healthy, this is how it is done.

Maintaining nutritional adequacy is the only way to protect the body from poison. Vitamins and minerals prevent toxins from getting out, but the liver helps get rid of them. Launching Vogue, Tuesday, February 6, Lucy Miller's nutrition hali suggests eating a variety of foods but more natural foods, minimally processed, and plant-rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients. Such as broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and Brussels cabbage.

The high fiber content in nuts, artichokes, adapters, and burdocks helps the body's waste flow quickly through the large intestines. The business needs to work effectively so that the detoxification process can run well, Miller explained. Protein and essential fatty acids also increase the detoxification process and have a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the liver.

To reduce the body from being exposed to toxic foods regularly, you can choose organic food ingredients. Organic products, Miller said, fewer chemicals, pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic hormones, and other toxins. Although the price is slightly more expensive than food ingredients in general, you can choose only a few organic items, such as chicken, vegetables, or fruits.

A number of herbal ingredients can be processed into drinks that protect the liver from poison. It also keeps the cells of the liver from getting old and easily destroyed. Among them are apple juice vinegar, turmeric tea, and lemon juice mixed with mineral water.

If you drink alcohol, it is important to recognize the limits. Also reduce sweet drinks with artificial sweeteners. Avoid eating processed foods, gluten, dairy products, eggs, and soybeans under certain conditions to reduce inflammation. But important, detox is not done forever but is important to be sustainable.

In traditional Chinese medicine, adopting a simpler and organized lifestyle helps prevent frustration, irritability, and anxiety are often associated with liver disease. Nunes' advice, get to sleep early, do a diet with a variety of vegetables and cooked foods, and doing hobbies can help prevent liver disease. Other activities, such as physical exercise, can build harmony in the body.

That's how to improve liver health with simple steps. You can do it as a daily habit.

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