JAKARTA - The Venna Melinda and Ferry Irawan pair were officially divorced on August 3, 2023 by the South Jakarta Religious Court through an online or e-court hearing. It is known that in the divorce, the panel of judges granted Venna Melinda's demands regarding the mut'ah and iddah salaries of Rp. 30 million each, so that in total Venna Melinda demanded a living of Rp. 60 million to Ferry.

But until now, Ferry admitted that he had not given a penny to his ex-wife. Where previously, through his attorney, Khairul Imam still wanted to consider it.

Now Ferry says that he has his own calculations regarding the decision. Moreover, he and Venna have gone through good times of marriage.

"Again, I have my own calculations, I have also had a good time and a difficult time for me, especially my mother, sorry, my inner child," said Ferry Irawan in the Senayan area, South Jakarta, Sunday, February 4.

Ferry himself consciously knows the consequences of his actions if he does not provide iddah and mut'ah expenses to Venna Melinda then his divorce can be threatened with cancellation.

"(Consequence) Canceled," said Ferry.

When asked about deliberately not paying a living because he wanted to reconcile, Ferry replied that his household with Venna Melinda had become a past. He prefers to see the future.

"The past is just more like looking at the rearview mirror, see for a while, what we see in this and the future," he said.

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