JAKARTA - Maintaining beautiful and healthy nails does not always require expensive salon care or products that contain chemicals. Nature offers various solutions to produce strong and beautiful nails.

Here are eight natural solutions that you can add to your daily nail care routine, reported by the Times of India, Friday, February 2.

A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients is very important for strong nails. Expand foods high in biotins (lays, nuts, wheat), vitamin E (bayam, almons, and sunflower seeds), and omega-3 fatty acids (fat fish and hemp seed oils) to support the health of nails.

Keeping the body hydrated is very important, not only for the body but also for the health of the nails. Sufficient water needs by drinking at least two liters of water per day can prevent dry and fragile nails.

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that can strengthen and tolerate the skin. All you need to do is slowly massage nails and kulticula every night using a little coconut oil. Then, feel the results after a few weeks.

lemon juice can also help brighten and whiten the skin. Mix lemon water and olive oil with the same composition. Then, soak your nails in the solution for a few minutes. This can help strengthen the skin.

Tea tree oil has antijamur benefits that can prevent infection in the nails. Mix several drops of tea tree oil with additional oil such as coconut oil and apply it to the nails and the quartics section.

Soaking nails in warm olive oil can help moisturize and strengthen it. So that the benefits are more pronounced, you can add some lemon juice for additional nutrients.

Biotin, also known as vitamin H, supports the growth and strength of nails. Consult with health professionals before adding any supplements to your daily diet.

Garlic contains selenium which is beneficial for nail health. Destroy some cloves of garlic and mix with additional oil. Apply the mixture to your nails and leave it for about 10 minutes before deleting.

Consistency is key when using natural ingredients for nail treatment. In addition, be careful if you have allergies or sensitivity to certain ingredients. If you see any adverse reactions or deteriorating nail conditions, it is advisable to consult a health professional or dermatologist in order to get personal advice and recommendations.

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