YOGYAKARTA - Not a few parents have not realized that children are vulnerable to excess salt. This can take place because children generally like to consume food or light drinks that are usually high in salt. Meanwhile, excess salt in children can stimulate various health problems. Let's find out how much the salt consumption limit is per day for children!

Usually, the need for salt in children is not as much as for adults. Consumption of salt in children should be adjusted to the needs according to age. If very much or too much, it can cause children to be excess salt.

Various products in packaging often write down the amount of salt on the label by including only the value of the sodium. Meanwhile, the true amount of salt is 2, 5 times the contents of the sodium or sodium listed on the packaging.

The following is the number of salt needs in children based on their age, which you need to know:

Limit also consuming types of cooking that go through many processes in children, such as smoke meat, sausages, or nuggets. Stay away from increasing salt in these types of dishes, because it has the potential to make children excess salt.

Don't Add Salt To Children's Milk

Milk is a source of complementary nutrition for children. One of the benefits of milk is to support the growth of the child's nerves and brain through the content of fatty acids found in it, especially for children under the age of 2 years. Milk is also rich in vitamin D which can support the formation of strong bones in children.

Even so, the dose of milk needs to be arranged so as not to miss out, especially when the child's weight gain exceeds the weight gain.

Not only that, actually milk already has the ingredients that make it tasteful. For example, lactose that provides a natural sweet taste to milk. However, not a few parents give extra sugar or salt to their children's milk to increase their taste.

However, you should not apply this because it can cause children to be excess of salt and sugar and increase thirst and hunger which can even increase the risk of children being overweight.

Children need appropriate nutrition for their development, including salt consumption. Therefore, it is important for parents to ensure that their nutritional intake remains balanced and does not go too far, including not providing additional salt to their children's food and milk.

If you want to know more about your nutritional needs and how to prevent children from excess salt, don't hesitate to ask a doctor. Later, you can get recommendations about a healthy diet and the amount of salt consumption that is right for your little one.

In addition, there are recommendations to read: 'Consumption of Sodium Increases Due to Health Problems' so that they can be more careful in the problem of consuming salt.

So after knowing the limit of salt consumption per day for children, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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