YOGYAKARTA - In Islam, fasting is not only done in the month of Ramadan. There are also other fasting laws that are sunnah. Even so, many people pray, pass fasting on Friday?

Fasting that is not allowed and forbidden is fasting which is done during Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, Tasyriq Day, and so on. The problem of eating fasting on Friday can also arise because Allah SWT also makes Friday a special day for Muslims.

In a hadith narrated by Ibnu Abbas, it was explained that the Prophet SAW had said:

"This (Friday) is Eid Day made by Allah SWT for Muslims.' (HR Al-Thabarani)."

This is also a difference of opinion among the ulama who are adrift in fasting on Friday. Because basically, fasting is only bound at certain times and even provides health benefits.

The Journal of Research in Medical Science reveals that the impact of fasting during Ramadan on the immune system is very good. Because Ramadan fasting does not have an impact on kidney function and urine components.

Not only that, there are several other things that are the basis for an explanation of fasting on Friday which is based on the hadith of the Prophet SAW.

Launching from NU Online, for some scholars, fasting on Friday is intended because it is considered a holiday. The meaning of fasting on this Friday applies if before or after it does not carry out fasting.

This opinion refers to one of the hadiths narrated by Abu Hurairah, that Rasulullah SAW had said:

'Don't fast Friday but fast before or after.' (HR Bukhari).

Makruh is one of the laws in Islam, which is that if there is an act that if you leave it, it will be better than doing it. In terms of language, the interpretation of makhruh is something that is hated".

In the term Ushul Fiqh, the word makhruh means something that is recommended by the Shari'a to leave him, where if left behind will get praise. Meanwhile, if you violate, you are innocent. Some cases that include malruh are cigarettes and pungent eating.

The fasting law on Friday was also described by Imam Jalaluddin As- Suyuti in Nurul Lum'ah fi Khashaishil Jum'ah. In this book, Imam An-Nawawi, as reported by As-SuyURThi, narrated:

The opinion is the most shahih for our madzhab and this includes the opinion of the jumhur ulama if fasting on Friday is chaotic if you don't fast before and after. Some opinions say that it is not chaotic except for people who are hindered from worship because of fasting and their bodies are weak.

Sourced at the opinion above, a number of scholars said that fasting on Friday is not accompanied by fasting on Thursday or Saturday. There is also an opinion that says fasting is not chaotic except for people who are physically weak and it is feared that fasting will make them lazy to worship.

Not only differences of opinion among scholars, but Friday's fasting law is caused by differences in understanding the prohibition of fasting on Friday. Some say that fasting is based on that day because of holidays, some say that because Friday is recommended to increase worship.

This is equated with wukuf in Arafah when performing the pilgrimage. Some say fasting is interpreted as being different from Jews. Jews fast on their holiday, while Muslims are advised not to fast on holidays.

The next description also came from Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah SAW said:

'Don't specialize Friday nights with certain night prayers that are not performed at other nights. Also don't specialize Fridays with certain fastings that are not done on other days unless there is fasting that is done because of the cause at that time.' (HR Muslim).

Views According To Ulama

He said: "Syafi Ulama"iyah argues that fasting is interpreted on Friday alone.

However, if you are followed by fasting before or after or coincide with the fasting habit such as fasting nazars because you are cured of illness and coincide with Friday, then you are not chaotic. (Al Majmu 'Syarh Al Muhaddzab).

He said: "If someone fasts on Friday alone is not meant to specialize because that day is Friday but because it is the loose time at that time, then the right opinion is still allowed. (Syarhul Mumthi).

He said: 'The prohibition of specializing in fasting on Friday is intended because some people think there is a virtue of fasting on that day. It is explained here that fasting on Friday is prohibited. As fasting on Eid day is also prohibited and Friday is also Eid al-Fitr.

There was also an order not to fast at that time, namely so that we can be strong in worship at that time and there are various other wisdoms. Because this prohibition (God willing) will disappear if Friday is not devoted to fasting as by increasing fasting on the day before or after.

It is also permissible to pass fasting with such a fasting routine for one day of fasting and one day of not fasting (Daud fasting) or to coincide with fasting henul bidh (13.14.15 Hijriyah) and the like. (Syarh 'Umdatil Ahkam, hal. 366).

In addition, read too, the 'Sunah Sudah Jadwal' January 2024 which will soon arrive.

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