Worst Fruit For Gigi Triggers Color Change And Disposal
Fruit illustration. (Wikimedia Commons-Daderot)

YOGYAKARTA The worst fruit for teeth is based on the impact it causes. This can happen because there are several fruits that contain pigment and acid that have the potential to cause stains and other impacts, especially for the health of the teeth and mouth.

This article will discuss some fruits that can trigger good effects on teeth such as color changes to triggering a hole.

As is known, fruit contains natural sugar and acid. In some fruits the number of substances in both substances is quite high. These two substances can have a bad impact on dental health, for example, triggering emission or hard tooth outer layers.

When the enamel is eroded or eroded due to the substance contained in the fruit, it will build up bacteria that lead to tooth decay.

Here are some bad fruit for dental health so you have to pay attention to how to consume it.

On the Eat This website, it is said that dark berries can be left in the teeth, triggering stains, especially if they are often consumed. The solution so that after eating the berries do not cause stains is to diligently brush your teeth and clean your teeth with floss rentals.

Orange fruit contains high acid so that it can erode enamels. These substances are able to worsen the health of the teeth, both when consumed directly or treated like juice. So that acid does not erode the lining of the teeth try to gargling after consuming oranges.

Wine is actually very good for the health of the body, both consumed directly and in other forms of processing such as drinks. Unfortunately, the effect of wine for teeth is similar to berries, which triggers stains to yellow teeth.

To minimize the bad effects of wine for dental health, try to brush your teeth with the right toothpaste. In addition, take care of the dentist six months one time.

Ceri does not only cause teeth to rot because of pigmentation in the fruit, but also contains sugar which if not cleaned will cause a buildup of bacteria in the mouth. Avoid eating cherries before bed so as not to disturb dental health.

Fruit consumption is now increasingly diverse. One of the processed fruit that will affect the health of the teeth is dry fruit. This fruit processing usually has a sticky texture with high sugar. After consuming dry fruit, it will usually stick to the teeth.

To reduce this risk, avoid consuming too much dry fruit. You are also required to brush your teeth twice per day to clean the food left in your teeth.

It is also recommended to avoid bad habits that interfere with the health of the teeth and mouth.

That's the information regarding the worst fruit for teeth. Visit VOI.ID to get more interesting information.

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