To Be Seen Always New, Follow 6 Tips For Caring For Rajut Sweaters
Illustration of tips on caring for a knit sweater so that it looks always new (Freepic/ansia)

YOGYAKARTA When the air temperature is low, the body needs warm clothes. A knittedweater is one of the options next to another outer that has a thick and warm texture. But it turns out, taking care of knit sweaters so that they look always new, it is necessary to avoid certain steps. Even though a high-quality knit sweater, it still requires special care so that the thread woven does not stretch or even release. For that, follow the tips for caring for the following knit sweaters.

Suits made of certain ingredients should be stored by hanging using a hanger. But for knit sweaters, on the other hand. Don't keep them hanging. It's better to fold them so that the threads don't stretch, especially the shoulders and the fifths. So that your sweater lasts a long time, folds and places them in a drawer or shelf. Other tips, avoid storing knit sweater folds in a drawer that is too full.

Checking gently is the most appropriate way to wash the knitted outfits. Wash gently or wash your hands, is the best method to clean them. In addition, when washing use a gentle detergent formula. The goal is to make the knit sweater live longer.

Some winners are safe to dry using clothes dryers. But according to All Women's Talk, Sunday, January 21, the dryer was not designed for all kilometers. It also risks shrinking the size. It's also better to let your sweater dry until even after the winding. Hanging it in a wet state can cause a lot of stretching, even damage. It takes longer to dry it in the air but this needs to be done so as not to change the size or damage the million.

Pull the arm or tie the bottom so that it looks fit-body, can stretch the knit. Of course this can damage the texture of the knitted sweater. To stay stylish, you can add other types of clothing. For example, additional thermal shirts to cover up to your fingers.

Almost all owners of knit sweaters feel it. How about when one thread sticks out, and by excitedly cutting it off. This will not make the bond tighten and neater. So it's better to be careful in fixing the thread that escapes from the rhythm. Better link to the knit than cutting it off again.

Because it's too risky to just fold and stack with other clothes. Storing a knit sweater needs to be careful. The advice, store it in a box or cardboard box for small clothes. Fold neatly and add a dry fragrance to get rid of your sweater and keep it fragrant.

Those are the six tips for caring for and storing knit sweaters to always look new. If you have this collection of outfits, it's important to apply the tips above.

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