JAKARTA - Make Sanur, Bali your own vacation destination. The location can be reached 25-30 minutes from Ngurah Rai International Airport. In this area, there are a variety of accommodations along Sanur Beach and Matahari Terbit Beach.
You just need to walk about 1-2 minutes from the accommodation area if you want to meet the beach. A number of hotels and resorts also provide bicycle rental services that can be used to get around the beach area.
After a wide selection of hotels, the Sanur area has a number of spots which can be explored on your own. No need to worry about having to rent a mode of transportation. You just need to rely on leg strength, technological sophistication, and a smile. Here are some places that could be targeted.
Sanur Beach and Sunrise Beach
Being in the Sanur area, Bali, you must include Sanur Beach and Matahari Terbit Beach to your list of trips. If you take advantage of the low season, the beach atmosphere is still quite "friendly". Not filled with domestic and foreign tourists. You can sit back and relax and sunbathe while reading a book.
Le Mayeur Museum
This is a museum that houses 88 paintings by Adrien-Jean Le Mayeur de Merpres, a painter from Bruxelles, Belgium who came to Bali in 1932. The location is on Jalan Hang Tuah, 460 meters from Matahari Terbit Beach. Visitors can still find paintings made from 1921 to 1957.
Kesiman Reading Park
If you are a book fan, come to Taman Baca Kesiman (TBK). The location is on Jalan Sedap Malam, Kesiman, Denpasar, about 5.5 kilometers from Sanur Beach. Stored critical books. Most of the themes raised are historical, social, political, autobiographical, literature and novels, translated works, scientific journals, and rare books. Choose and read your favorite book. Relax in this place until late afternoon. A calm and cool atmosphere will be loyal to accompany you.
Enjoying solo traveling in Sanur is so much fun. Take advantage of the navigation feature in the phone if you need directions. However, don't hesitate to ask local residents.
When you get tired of walking, you can take advantage of online transportation services that can still be accessed in the Sanur area, Bali. Remember, follow health protocols because you are traveling during a pandemic. Have an adventure on your own!
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