The Concept Of Synchronic Thinking: Implementation In Social Science And Characteristics
The notion of synchronic thinking (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - In learning life experiences, we can learn from events that have occurred or history in the past. From time to time that has passed, there are many things that can be used as lessons, motivations, as well as reminders for yourself. You can apply the concept of synchronic thinking to learn experiences in life.

Studying history or past events can be done in a synchronitic way of thinking. The concept of synchronic thinking invites us to study history to study patterns, symptoms, and characters in events at certain times. This method of thinking is generally applied in social sciences.

Social science does have a reciprocal relationship with history or events that have happened. That's why it's important to know the concept of synchronic thinking and its examples.

Synchronics are related to events that occur at a time but the scope is limited. Synchronic terms come from the Greek, namely 'Syn' which means with and khronas which means time or time.

Synchronic thinking is a method of thinking history that extends in space, but is limited in time. The concept of thinking with a synchronous approach is generally applied in social sciences.

The notion of synchronic thinking emphasizes structure and only analyzes a certain condition. The way of thinking synchronizes in studying history aims to see changes in everything related to events that occur at a time.

Although the coverage of the objects studied is limited at one time, these events can still be widely analyzed. For example, starting from what or who influences and is affected by events, who is affected or affected by the events, and what is in it and various other things.

After understanding the understanding of the synchronitic way of thinking, then you need to know the characteristics of synchronic thinking, as follows:

One of the characteristics of the concept of synchronic thinking is the act of reviewing events that occurred in the past. This process is carried out with the aim of further exploring what happened in the past, but still takes focus on the specified time.

For example, in the event of the implementation of Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945. In the example of this incident, a study by way of synchronous thinking was carried out to make us know what happened during the time of Indonesian Independence at that time.

The concept of synchronic thinking also has characteristics, namely having horizontal properties. Although it only focuses on a certain range or period of time, past events that are studied or analyzed can be widened. So in a synchronized way of thinking to study past events will still see various aspects that also affect these events.

A number of aspects that can be included in the study of synchronous thinking, starting from social aspects, economic aspects, political aspects, and cultural aspects. Because every event such as history cannot be released and is always influenced by various aspects.

Another feature of the concept of synchronic thinking is the narrower scope of study. As explained earlier, the synchronitic way of thinking only focuses on one incident time. Therefore, the study conducted could also be narrower or limited.

The notion of synchronic thinking is also carried out with a heavy point of study on the structure. When analyzing a past incident, it will be focused on the structure section. For example, from social, political, cultural, economic structures to society.

By focusing on some of these weight points, the data or information generated from reviewing an event will be more complete.

Synchronic thinking also demands a serious and more difficult study or analysis. At this point, it is more emphasized on the detailed state of the analysis carried out in seeing an incident or event with a synchronous approach.

So events that occur at a time must be studied more deeply. In addition, the event analysis process with a certain or short period of time does have a fairly high level of difficulty, thus requiring serious and more complete work.

Demikianlah review mengenai apa itu konsep berpikir syncronik dan cara penerapannya dalam ilmu sosial. Koncept berpikir syncronik merupakan cara berpikir yang bermanfaat penting dalam menalyskan sebuah kejadian di masa lalu sebagai pelajaran hari ini. Baca juga prodik kerja major philosophy.

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