YOGYAKARTA Hope it's okay, but if it's too high it will hurt if it doesn't match reality. For that, I hope it must also be realistic, especially in romantic relationships. According to psychotherapists who specialize in parenting and author Tina Gilbertson, LPC., here are things you can expect from romantic relationships.
Actions can be expressed in various ways. For example with physical affection, hugging, kissing, sweeping your back, or holding hands. This can be expected in a romantic and most realistic relationship. The key, your partner must like you as a person and show its affect in various ways.
When you get hurt, you have the right to expect your partner to be the most comfortable place to lean. He doesn't have to feel what you're feeling, but it's important to support and support his partner.
A good romantic couple is important to show respect. Whether it respects the boundaries until there is no ridicule or criticism that drops. Respectful couples will know and admire your strength, accept wisdom, and do not violate boundaries.
A caring partner will think about how his behavior affects you. They don't have to give everything you ask for, but consider you as someone who has a perspective though different. If your partner does that, it means paying attention and taking good care of your relationship.
Every relationship is based on sharing time together. Not always together, it's true. But it's very rare to be together may be important to discuss priorities together. That is, you can expect to have time alone with your partner but it needs to be agreed upon both with regard to priorities and other obligations.
It makes sense that you expect your partner to be more interested in you than other people. At least in some aspects such as feelings, thoughts, opinions and others. Couples who are not interested in you as a person, may just be in a relationship because they avoid being alone and you deserve better.
Intimacy is not the same as sex. Intimacy is more than physical activity, but also emotional. True optimism is getting to know each other's emotions and vulnerabilities.
A truly generous couple would love to help, calm down, or find other ways to benefit you. Although it doesn't always give away material gifts, it has given itself away which is more meaningful than a luxurious holiday or sparkling gift.
Even if not all expectations in the above romantic relationship you get from your partner, it's not a big problem. But you need to remind, ask, or discuss together to build harmony.
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