Getting To Know The Components Of Batin Peace According To Research And Recommendations To Develop It
Illustration of the inner peace component and recommendations to develop it (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA Internal peace is a positive emotional state with a low passion and a balanced and stable sense. To find inner peace, it is very difficult than finding happiness. That is why many people tend to feel anxious, afraid, and uneasy. Mental peace is characterized by feelings of calm and relaxed happiness that are not extreme. This feeling includes peace, satisfaction, calm. In contrast to joy, inner peace means balance, peace of mind, harmony, and stability.

In 2013, researchers from Taiwan and the United States explored the emotional component of inner peace. Of the 378 respondents who participated, researchers found the word calm, calm, comfortable, harmonious, balanced, well-established, stable, satisfied, calm, and safe. In 2018 research involving 900 people for interviews, finding attributes and characteristics that underlie inner peace, including as a gauge:

According to consultants, writers, and experts in well-being, Tchiki Davis, Ph.D. reported by Psychology Today, Sunday, January 14, you may be able to find inner peace by doing changes in life. According to research, here are the ways:

People who garden may have more inner peace than those who do not. According to research in 2021, physical work with gardening can have a beneficial effect. Gardening also involves relationships with nature. Moreover, gardening is a calm and slow activity that is often contemplative, peaceful, and even meditative.

Gardening can encourage the development of patience due to the growth of fruit, flowers, or leaves that lasts a long time. Lastly, gardening may teach you to let go. After planting seeds, most of the garden's growth is beyond your control. Plus, gardening means realizing that he needs to release expectations. This mindset may be widespread from gardening and may encourage the development of wider inner peace.

Meditation is one way to approach a sense of calm and stability of inner peace. Meditation, with a focus on objective observation and non-reactive acceptance of all experiences can foster a conducive mindset and circumstances for inner peace.

People who are grateful for experiencing more positive effects including calm and peace of mind. You may be able to increase gratitude and peace of mind by deliberately practicing gratitude, for example by creating a journal of gratitude every day.

Regular yoga exercises can increase inner peace. This is because yoga encourages attention, awareness, acceptance of sensations and body movements. Yoga also encourages focus on the present, which can silence negative self-talks and encourage the development of inner peace.

That's a component of inner peace according to research and recommendations to develop it in everyday life. Is there a daily habit that you do routinely to develop inner peace?

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