What Is Self-Transcence? Know Understanding And Characteristics
Illustration (Pixabay Photo/Obviously1826).

YOGYAKARTA What is self-transcence or self-transence? Self-trandance is a part of a psychological process that encourages a person to gain a higher meaning of life.

For more details, find out what self-trancendence is and its characteristics through the following reviews.

Based on information compiled by VOI, Sunday, January 14, 2024, self-transcence is a psychological process that encourages humans to move out and connect with something bigger than themselves. For example, wanting to be closer to God or putting aside personal needs and prioritizing the needs of others.

Self-transcendence aka self-transendence terms can be found in the Hirarki Needs Diagram introduced by Abraham Maslow.

In his theory, Maslow details five levels of hierarchy of human needs, namely physiological needs, safety needs, belonging and love needs, aesthetic needs, and the need for self-actualization (self-actualization).

Initially, Maslow did not include self-trancence in the hierarchy. However, in 1971, Maslow added the concept of self-transence and introduced it as an individual ability to exceed personal needs for something bigger.

The inclusion of self-transcence in the Maaslow hierarchy allows for a richer concept than in the world's view of the meaning of life itself.

Self-transcendants make a person's perspective on the world more comprehensive or wider.

In addition, self-transendency also allows a person to gain better understanding and knowledge in understanding personality and social psychology.

This is because self-transcendence involves complete awareness, social relations, and links to nature and the cosmos.

At the highest level of Maslow hierarchy, self-transcendence is important because it can guide individuals in seeing the world and their overall purpose in life.

This emphasizes the understanding of the meaning of life lies in the experience of high levels and awareness of something bigger than yourself.

Not only that, the concept of self-transence also includes a peak experience, where one feels joy, happiness, and awareness of the prime truth and integrity of the whole reality.

In these situations, they are deeply related to something bigger, surpassing ego and personal needs.

Individuals who have experienced self-trancence can be recognized through the following characteristics:

That's information about what self-transcence is. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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