JAKARTA - Shalom Razade is back in films after previously playing in 2021 in a mystery drama film directed by Nia Dinata. Now Shalom Razade is playing in a horror film directed by Hanung Bramantyo entitled Trinil: Kembalikan Tubuhku as one of the main characters named Rahayu.

In an exclusive interview with VOI, Shalom tried to give a story about the character Rahayu that she plays in this film. She explained that the figure of Rahayu or Ayu is a woman who is greedy and selfish, where she must always get every wish no matter what.

“I play Rahayu. Rahayu is a woman who wants to have everything, becomes greedy and selfish. Basically, whatever is done must happen that way. Someone who is the complete opposite of me, 100 percent different from me," said Shalom Razade at the VOI office, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, recently.

Playing in a film set in the 80s, Shalom said that she had a change in appearance to play the character Ayu. In order to get the right look for Ayu's character, Shalom had to try the hairstyle 3 times. Apart from that, she also tried on 70s style clothes several times which was a new experience for her.

Shalom Razade (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

"After the make-up and hair test, it took approximately 2 to 3 tries, until Mr. Hanung said, 'OK, this is Rahayu's look'. Rahayu's trademark is red, so red lipstick, dresses and always wears dresses, because of that, her aspiration is to be a top woman, who everyone looks at, and wants to marry someone in power, so she dresses elegantly in a red dress and that's always red. The fitting was fun because I tried on lots of 70s dresses that I can actually see in films, it was a new and unique experience too," said Shalom.

Having a different character from her real self makes this 25 year old woman experience difficulties. The reason is that in this film, Shalom, who plays Rahayu in her youth, doesn't have dialogue like the actors, so she has to be able to show all the emotions that Ayu feels just with her expressions and body movements.

This ultimately made Shalom do more physical exercise compared to the other players.

"Maybe it's because there's no dialogue, because how can I act something and the audience can feel what I do? I practice more body language so the audience can feel what I feel with just body movements, gestures, so maybe it's difficult there" explained Shalom.

Shalom Razade (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

"Because if the dialogue is clear, for example we are sad, angry, disappointed, if this is the look on the face, the body gestures can show these emotions but without dialogue, I do more physical exercise and also practice with Alex, because I'm here next to him. I'll continue with Alex," she said.

Even though Shalom doesn't appear much in the film Trinil, the eldest daughter of actress Wulan Guritno still prepared her character well. Not infrequently during the filming process, Shalom asked Hanung Bramantyo as the director a lot of questions, fortunately she felt that Hanung's figure really helped her in deepening Ayu's character.

"I did a lot of physical exercise with the acting coach as well and maybe in preparation for the character there was a scene where basically it was something I had never felt and had never experienced," explained Shalom.

"What I like about Mr. Hanung is that Mr. Hanung can know what he wants and can really explain something so that I can understand it, and at that time I said that was my problem, 'Mr Hanung, I don't understand here' because I've never felt this and I don't understand how I could feel this, then Mr. Hanung casually said and demonstrated with two or three sentences and I felt, 'Okay, Mr. Hanung is a director who knows what he wants and he can guide me that quickly'", she said.

For your information, the film Trinil: Kembalikan Tubuhku is Shalom Razade's first horror film. Seeing this, the owner of the real name Shalom Syach Razade admitted that she was quite happy. For her, working in the film industry where she can play various characters can be a way to get to know herself better.

"I'm really happy, because what I like about this profession is that we can try out various kinds of characters and in my opinion, by playing many kinds of characters, we can also learn more about ourselves and, for example, when we play an antagonist, we also learn to be the person we are. What's better, is that I also learn a lot from the characters played because I also learn a lot from the characters themselves," she said.

Want to be independent as Shalom Razade

Shalom Razade (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

Shalom Razade cannot deny that having the title of 'daughter' of actress Wulan Guritno is a burden in itself. However, she tried to use this burden as an encouragement to make her mother's name proud and prove that she could also work in the film industry under her own name.

"Yes, of course, and maybe it's a bit of a burden, but it's a burden that keeps me enthusiastic, because I don't want my mother's name to be like that and I want to prove to society or the film industry that I can do it too," said Shalom.

Not infrequently, this woman born in Jakarta feels that her mother's shadow always accompanies her every step. Shalom realized this because since she was born she had been exposed to a wide audience because of Wulan Guritno's profession. This is what initially made Shalom reluctant to enter the world of entertainment like her mother.

“Oh, definitely yes, because maybe from the moment I was born I was in the tabloids. With all my mother's life, I have always been because my mother has also been an actor since I was 13 years old, right? Since before I was born, my mother has also been in this industry, so even from a young age I have been in the spotlight and that's just a burden," she explained.

"Because of that, at first I didn't want to get involved in this industry because I felt like I couldn't, wasn't capable of competing with my mother, you know. But maybe as I get older there's no harm in trying and when I tried my first project again after not being in this industry for a long time, The Virgin Series, it turned out that while filming I loved this job so I couldn't let it go anymore, it turned out I actually liked it," said Shalom.

Shalom Razade (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

Apart from that, Shalom also feels a great privilege by being the daughter of Wulan Guritno. Where she can get opportunities that other people may not be able to get, therefore, the biological daughter of Attila Syach chooses to take advantage of this privilege by doing positive things, especially in the world of acting.

“It's really great and I accept that and am grateful because I can get it, maybe opportunities that other people can't get. But instead of not admitting it, it's better if I admit it and use that privilege as best as possible in a positive way, don't be negative like, 'oh yes, I'm this child', but more like I try to use that privilege as best as possible and as positively as possible," she concluded.

Seeing this, Shalom admitted that several times she had been treated with disdain by other people because of her title as Wulan Guritno's daughter. She even felt uncomfortable and disturbed by this, because she had the desire to stand on her own feet as a 'Shalom Razade' without the frills of Wulan Guritno's daughter.

"Very often because I just want to be a Shalom Razade, you know, like it's not about not wanting to be compared to mom, but I also want to be me individually. But yes, I'm my mother's child, so we can't avoid those comments, it's just how we respond to them," said Shalom.

Shalom Razade (Photo: Bambang E Ros, DI: Raga/VOI)

Now Shalom says that she will seriously pursue her profession as a film actor. By sticking to the message conveyed by Wulan Guritno, Shalom will be ready to start her new adventure as an actor in the Indonesian film industry.

"Seriously, every time I shoot, I want to do it seriously and with all my heart, that's for sure. but I also want to explore the world of business and other worlds too. The point is, you just have to take it seriously, whatever it is in the world of film, whether it's in business, basically whatever you want to do has to be from the heart and has to be serious because mom is also in this industry, so anything has to be taken seriously," explained Shalom.

"(Hopefully) it will be even better, and also Indonesian films will be even better, even more proud, maybe I can also make the Indonesian film industry proud, that's all," concluded Shalom closing the interview with VOI.

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