YOGYAKARTA Everyone is stunned. But not everyone knows what happens to the body when maturity occurs. Pubertas itself is one of the growing phases from childhood to adulthood. At this time there were several changes, especially those related to physical.

It should be noted that men and women experience repetition. However, this phase comes at a different age. Men's literature occurs at the age of around 12 -16 years. Meanwhile, girls are forgetful at the age of 10 -14 years.

However, quoted from AI Care, the menstruation period of each child varies depending on the hormone condition they have. Pubertas can even occur sooner or later.

Saat pemerahi, seluruh organ utama dan sistem tubuh jadi lebih matang, termasuk dari sisi seksual. Secara fisik ketika puasahi terjadi, tubuh akan mulai mengalami perubahan, misalnya, saat keringur tinggi badan akan meningkat. Selain itu suara juga perlan-pelan berubah tidak sering sebelumnya. Perubahan ini disebabkan karena Hormon tertentu dalam tubuh.

As explained earlier, atturbation there will be signs and changes especially in the physical. The following are signs and changes to girls duringturbation, quoted from various sources.

The changes caused by menstruation in boys are certainly different from girls. Here are the signs.

Pubertas not only has an impact on physical changes, but on feelings. This is due to hormones that affect feelings. In this phase, both men and women will have a stronger and more intense feeling fluctuation. In fact, not infrequently the mood changes rapidly and even suddenly.

When going through the rainy phase, a person will have a greater sexual urge than before. In this phase, boys and girls are starting to get attracted to their gender opponents. Children will also try to get to know the points in the body that can trigger sexual stimulation. This condition is very normal and the intensity will decrease as the age increases.

When this phase occurs in children, parents are advised to know the stages and characteristics of girls and boys.

Parents should also know what to do when their children are grieving so they are not too worried about changing their attitude.

In addition to what happened to the body whileturbing, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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