JAKARTA - Catherine Wilson and her husband, Idham Masse, face a divorce trial again. This time, it was Catherine Wilson who filed for divorce from Idham Masse at the Depok Religious Court.

After filing a lawsuit on December 24, Catherine Wilson and Idham Masse are scheduled to undergo their first mediation hearing. Unfortunately both parties could not attend.

"In accordance with what has been determined by the Depok Religious Court, today is the first trial, legally, the parties must attend," said Dody Hariyanto at the Depok Religious Court, Wednesday, January 10.

"Then because both parties, Mrs. Catherine and Mr. Idham, were not present today, the panel of judges only conveyed and examined the truth of the filing of the lawsuit," he continued.

The panel of judges finally only checked the completeness of the documentation file from the lawyer as a condition for the divorce trial.

"Then check the documentation files instead of lawyers whether they have met the requirements or not in the program's law, the only point is that,"

This mediation trial was postponed for up to 2 weeks, because the presence of Idham Masse in Sulawesi made sending court calls take quite a long time.

"Well, because this party was not present, the panel of judges postponed this trial 2 weeks later. Why 2 weeks? Because the defendant was in South Sulawesi, the delivery was quite long and far outside Java, the requirements were impossible. If it is feared that 1 week will not reach the summons to the defendant," he said.

Denny Zainuddin, who is Catherine Wilson's legal team, explained that his client's absence was due to non-cancellular activities. Meanwhile, Idham did not know the reason.

"Mbak crypta today was not present because there was an activity, so yes, he has told us. The plan was to attend. Come here, to attend the first trial, but there are activities that cannot be refuted," concluded Denny Zainuddin.

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