YOGYAKARTA Generally wearing a suit is always accompanied by the use of a tie. However, the tie is only optional. It means wearing a suit is allowed without a tie. However, to do so, you must pay attention to the rules for wearing a suit without a tie by paying attention to several things so as not to interfere with your fashion.

Wearing a shirt without a tie can be done but must consider various things. In addition to paying attention to comfort, users must consider several factors, namely as follows.

Use after a suit with a tie is usually done at formal events and in special places, for example in professional work environments, formal events, especially international levels.

When you decide to wear a tieless suit, pay attention to the type of event and where the event is held. The use of a tieless suit can be done at a semi-formal event. Avoid choosing colors that are too flashy or colors that collide with each other.

When wearing a shirt without a tie, usually the collar will look a little messy. On the other hand, the collar of the shirt also determines whether you are dressed neatly or not. When the collar is not neat, the impression that appears is not polite.

Try to keep the collar neat and non-loisting. Conditioning the collar of the shirt still tight without a tie sometimes requires effort because usually the shirt plaquette, which is at the bottom of the chin, is not strong enough to support the collar, making the collar rot. To keep the collar neat and tight, do some things below.

Wearing a shirt without a tie can be done with a record of adjusting the rules, namely unbuttoning the top shirt. However, this condition must consider several things, namely as follows.

Wear a coat jacket with a number of 1 or 2 buttons. Avoid using a suit with too many buttons because it will make you look like you are wrapped in a cloth so it's less casual

The more buttons are opened, you will appear more casual and brave. Try to adjust these conditions to the format of the event.

Wearing a t-shirt while wearing a suit has several benefits, namely helping to warm the body, absorb sweat, protecting sweat stains on the shirts, to helping shape a slimmer body. But when wearing a suit without a button try to hide the inner t-shirt.

The inner T-shirt that can be seen when wearing a tieless suit will give you the impression of shortness of yourself. Also avoid deep t-shirts with colors that are in contrast to your shirt so you don't appear from the outside.

Basically the tie will help the person talk about focusing on appearance. When wearing a tieless suit, try to wear the right and appropriate accessories. Some of the accessories that can be worn to replace the tie function are as follows.

Fold a straight sweep and place it on the front broom with the visible end. The function of the broom in the coat bag is to replace the tie as the focus of the view.

Use keys, but make sure the buttons are attractive and stand out. Avoid selecting keys with colors that are so flashy. Adjust them to the color of the suit you wear.

Wear a watch with a leather rope or metal. If the skin strap tries to choose the color according to the color of the belt and shoe. However, if the metal watch strap tries to make the same color as the belt gesture.

Try wearing shiny leather shoes because its presence will be quite striking when you are not wearing a tie.

In addition, you should also know what the difference between a suit and a blazer is so that you don't get the costume wrong when attending an event.

That's information regarding the rules for wearing a tieless suit. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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