JAKARTA - Mia Khalifa is known as a porn star. However, after leaving the adult film industry in 2014, she is now a TikTok icon.
The Lebanese star revealed that she never intended to enter the porn industry. She claims she was manipulated into the job.
"You're beautiful, would you like to do some modeling? You know? You have a great body and I think you will be great at modeling", Mia Khalifa told the BBC, about how she was tricked into the adult industry.
"I really don't see myself as a victim. I don't like that word. I make my own decisions, even though it's terrible", she said.

Since the beginning of the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mia Khalifa chose to create a TikTok account. Since then, she has become a prominent influencer on the Chinese social network.
So far, Mia Khalifa has successfully attracted 15 million followers.
Sorry we're late, guys, our flight to the Super Bowl was delayed #DaftPunk pic.twitter.com/Yikc3IaVQT
- Mia K. (@miakhalifa) February 8, 2021
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