How To Pay Off Fasting Debt With Fidyah? Find The Answer Here
Illustration of paying fiddies (Photo: Antara)

YOGYAKARTA About one and a half months away, Muslims around the world, including Indonesia, will enter the month of Ramadan. For those who still have fasting debt in the previous month of Ramadan, they are required to replace it immediately. In addition to qadla, Ramadan's fasting debt can also be replaced by paying fiddies. However, the way to pay fasting debts with fiddies only applies to those who are in very heavy conditions, for example the elderly (elderly), pregnant or breastfeeding women, and others.

So, what is fiddyah? What are the criteria for people who are allowed to pay fiddies? How to pay their fasting debt fidiah? When is the right time to pay fidiah? The answer to this question can be seen in the following explanation.

Ethimologically, fiddyah comes from the word fada which means replacing or redeeming. In terms, fidiah is a property of a certain amount, it must be given to the poor as a substitute for the abandoned fasting, quoted from the Baznaz page of Yogyakarta City.

Meanwhile, according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, fidiah is a fine that must be paid by a Muslim for leaving fasting caused by chronic disease, old disease that befell him, and so on.

By paying fiddies, one does not need to change fasting other than time. However, fidyah only applies to people with certain criteria

Quoted from Muhammadiyah's official website, there are several people who are allowed to pay fiddies, including:

Based on the Fatwa of the Tarjih Council and Tadjid of Muhammadiyah Central Leadership, the form of fiddies that can be issued to replace fasting can be in the form of:

Fidyah is given to the poor according to the day left, which is one fidiah one day for one poor person, and can also be given at once to one poor person.

For example, someone leaves fasting for 7 days, so the fidiah that the person must pay is 7 servings of food to 7 poor people. It can also be given to only one poor person as much as 7 days.

The right time to pay the fidiah is when the person has definitely left fasting.

Thus, a person can pay fidayah on the day he leaves fasting for reasons allowed by the Shari'a. Fidiah payments can also be translated at the end of Ramadan.

Fidyah is considered invalid when paid in advance or before fasting.

That's information about how to pay off fasting debts with fiddies. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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