JAKARTA - Hoya is a large genus of tropical flowering plants in the Apocynaceae family with more than 500 species. It is also known as wax plants, this propagating ornamental plant comes from Asia and is closely related to the milkweed plant in the North American region.

Hoya is popular as an ornamental plant because the leaves are thick, the flowers are attractive, and there is minimal care. In addition, the species of hoya varies widely in the form and habit of growth, making it more popular with ornamental plants.

Curious what types of ornamental Hoya plants are suitable to stay at home? The following VOI collects information from The Spruce, Tuesday, January 9.

Hoya carnosa is the most common and popular type of hoya to plant indoors. This plant can be found in most nurserys and indoor plant stores. Hoya carnosa has long-strengthening plant traits covered with thick lonjong leaves that sometimes have white spots. There are many varieties and carnosa cultivators available, popularly including 'Compacta', 'Krimson Princess', and 'Tricolor'.

Also called Hindu string plants, 'Compacta' hoya carnosa is a popular type of hoya carnosa. Because it is known for its wrinkled and curved leaves and grows in thick tugs such as ropes. These are varieties that grow slowly and are favored because of the lack of care.

Hoya publicyx is growing in popularity thanks to its pointed leaf shape. There are several types of publicyx, the most common are 'Splash', 'Black Dragon', 'Pink Silver', and 'Red Buttons'. These Hoyas have low treatments and have moderate growth rates. These plants grow the best in bright and indirect light as well as thick soil mixtures and have good drainage.

A pointed foliated species, hoya kentiana, has leaves similar to the shape of edamame with dark green and maroon edges. Rare and difficult to find, often stored by collectors and hoya fans. You can put this plant in a bright, warm, and humid place to help it thrive.

Also known as Valentine's sweet plants or hoya, the hoya kerrii is famous for its large, heart-shaped leaves. You will usually see this plant sold in the form of single-leaved cuttings. But actually the best thing is to buy complete plants because single leaves usually don't have books to grow new leaves. There are several types of popular hoya kerrii, including 'Variegata' hoya kernels, and 'Splash' hoya kernels.

Hoya mathilde is the result of a cross between hoya carnosa and hoya serpens. The leaves are small integer and are relatively small in size compared to other varieties. Although ceremony hoya is difficult to find, hoya mathilde is often sold in nurserys and greenhouses. It would be better to be given the trellis as a rambat medium. If it grows well, hoya mathilde will develop rapidly.

Hoya serpens is famous for its small round leaves and unique flowers of light green color. Compared to other types of hoya, its treatment is considered rather difficult but also grows fast in the right conditions. The key is to keep the humidity high and the temperature warm.

Hoya kroniana has a small leaf a rather triangular shape. This plant grows the best in bright and indirect light. Hoya kroniana is not suitable to live in a place with low light or direct sunlight. The flowers are pure white with a sweet fragrance.

This is a common and popular type of hoya. At first glance it looks similar to the Hoya Carnosa, but there are some subtle differences that can help you distinguish the two. Hoya australis has rounder leaves. The leaves are also slightly thinner than thick, slippery lota leaves. This plant is considered easy to grow and care for and enjoy bright and indirect light.

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