How To Make CV Scholarships To Register For LPDP: Don't Consider It Remeh Yes!
How To Make CV Scholarships To Register For LPDP (Image Christin Hume-Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA - Scholarships for Education Fund Management Institutions (LPDP) will open Thursday, January 11, 2024. Well, here's how to make CV for the LPDP list.

You should know, curriculum vitae or CV scholarships must be different from CV to apply for a job.

Then, how to make a special CV for scholarships for the 2024 LPDP list?

Well, here are some things that need to be considered when you make a CV scholarship to register at the LPDP.

Stages Make CV Scholarships

So, here are the stages of writing CV scholarships.

Susun tiap bagian CV dengan informasi yang sudah dikumpulkan berupa informasi diri, tujuan, pengalaman academia, serta penghargaan.

LPDP Scholarship Requirements 2023:

- Applicants are graduates of the D-4/S-1 program, or S-2 from universities (PT) who have been accredited

- For S-3 program registrants, they are required to have a research proposal

- Applicants are not receiving or registering for other scholarships

- Making a commitment to return to Indonesia if a study abroad, a plan to contribute after the study is complete, and a post-study plan

- Equipped the registration profile

- Must sign a statement letter

- Especially for registrants who graduate abroad, they must attach the results of the GPA conversion and diploma equalization

- Not currently studying degree/non-degree, both S-2 and S-3

The following are documents that need uploaded participants to register (based on registration 2023):

In addition, there was an interesting reading related to LPDP Students who were reminded of Budi's Reply to Tax Payers.

So after knowing how to make a scholarship cv to register for LPDP, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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