What Is Performance Review: Here's The Explanation
What Is Performance Review (Benzoik-Freepik Image)

YOGYAKARTA - Have you heard the term performance review? So what is the performance review? He said it was related to the work performance of employees in a company. Want to know the explanation, see more below, yes!

Performance review is an employee performance evaluation process carried out by managers or superiors. This process includes an assessment of performance, strength, and areas that require improvement from employees.

Reporting from the BambooHR website, performance reviews are often referred to as performance approaches, performance evaluations, or employee evaluations.

The main goal of performance review is to provide feedback or accurate feedback and actions can be taken to develop employee abilities according to their work duties.

Types of Performance Review

There are various performance review procedures that can be applied, each with its own characteristics and benefits. The following is a more detailed description of some of these procedures:

Aim-Based Assessment: This procedure focuses on assessing the extent to which employees have achieved their predetermined goals. This assessment helps in quantifying the effectiveness of employees in achieving specific targets and providing a clear picture of the results of their work.

360-Degree Feedback: In this procedure, feedback is collected from various sources, including co-workers, managers, and juniors. This approach provides a thorough perspective on employee performance, enabling a more objective and comprehensive evaluation.

Self-Assessment: This procedure requires employees to assess their own performance. This helps in increasing individual awareness and responsibility for their performance. Self-assessment also allows employees to reflect on their own achievements and challenges.

Continuous Feedback: Unlike the annual review, continuous feedback provides continuous feedback. This procedure allows issues and challenges to be handled in real-time, helping in the development and development of employees on an ongoing basis.

Managerial Review: This assessment is carried out by the direct manager of employees. This focuses on evaluating performance based on observations and interactions every day. Managerial review helps in providing more personal guidance and directions and directly for employee development.

What Are The Goals Of Performance Review?

The main goal of performance review is to provide accurate assessments and action can be taken on employee performance. Launching from Harvard Business Review, this process aims to improve employee expertise according to their work assignments.

Not only that, but the performance review also aims to increase productivity, motivate employees, and ensure that employee performance is in line with organizational goals.

Performance review also provides opportunities for managers to recognize employee abilities and help in planning their career development.

Examples of Performance Review

A manager at a technology company in Jakarta applies a performance review of his team members. He uses 360-degree feedback procedures to gain a wider perspective on the performance of each team member.

Not only that, he also encourages self-assessment so that employees can reflect on their own performance. In the current situation, where a lot of work is done remotely, the manager uses HR management tools such as Zoho, Sleekr, and Talenta to collect feedback and implement review sessions.

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