YOGYAKARTA Diarrhea can even trigger inflammation of the large intestine which can even threaten the soul. Launching Harvard Health, Monday, January 1, nearly 500,000 Americans each year experience difficile Clastridioides bacteria, or C. diff. which causes severe diarrhea and colon inflammation.

This disease is carried by almost everyone. Because bacteria do not see naked eyes, they can stick anywhere, including on the skin and even on the soles of the shoes. Bacteria C. diff. when outside the body, they are an inactive spora. That means it will only be active when swallowed and reaches the intestines. Even so, many people swallow C. diff sporas never get sick. Sporas only make people whose gut microbiomas are unbalanced for various reasons. When there is imbalance, the spora begins to breed and produce toxins that cause C. diff infection.

Symptoms experienced when C. diff bacterial infections are similar to many other types of gastrointestinal diseases. Among them, diarrhea that lasts three days or more, nausea, fever, stomach pain or pain, and loss of appetite. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), people who are susceptible to infection with this bacteria, among them are as follows:

The three vulnerable people above, it is important to implement prevention strategies so they are not exposed. First, you have to wash your hands frequently and isolate those with C. diff infection. Wearing a hand sanitizer is considered ineffective because the C. diff organism is a resistant spora. Second, drinking antibiotics is only a time when it is absolutely necessary within the shortest possible period of time.

Ironically, diarrhea disease due to C. diff bacterial infection is treated with antibiotics. Recurrence may also repeat itself, and occurs in one in five people with infections who experience one or more times or more. Repeated incidents are also likely to occur because they have not been effectively disinfected by the house.

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