JAKARTA - Hanung Bramantyo on an occasion told the process of making the Rahayu ghost, played by Wulan Guritno in his latest horror film entitled Trinil: Return my story. "So at first I told Mbak Wulan that 'you are a ghost', so it was true that Wulan Guritno was just a few scenes, but from the start you had haunted me in the form of a head," said Hanung Bramantyo in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, December 27. Seeing this, the husband of actress Zaskia Adya Mecca finally gave up the idea of trying to use animatronics in this film. "So at that time I was pretending to be cool, this was a classic film, so I didn't want Cinema classical at that time, I really wanted CGI, I really am an animator," Hanung said. "And I want to challenge whether or not Indonesia can make animatronics, it turns out to be possible," he explained. "But it turns out that it's not an easy case using the animatronics, one of the difficult thing is the cost that must be incurred for the use of animatronics. "It's just forgive me that, our main game basically costs that much," he continued.

This actually made Hanung realize that films cannot be separated from the influence of the CGI effect which helps the beauty of the film itself. "And when we made it, we looked at the editing, it turned out that we couldn't escape the same thing as a graph computer, animation must still exist, so even if we make the animator real, but still CGI assistance must still be there, his hair," he concluded.

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