JAKARTA - Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Nusron Wahid revealed, the value of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) from land services in 2024 reached IDR 2.9 trillion.
For 2024, he said, there are 8 million services provided by the Ministry of ATR/BPN to the Community, including the issuance of Electronic Certipikats.
"Then the PNBP this year is IDR 2.9 trillion from the 8 million," said Nusron as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 1, 2025.
Around 84 percent of land services are dominated by land information services, dependent rights and rights transfers.
Since its launch in December 2023, the Ministry of ATR/BPN has issued 3,192,663 Electronic Certificates.
The issuance of Electronic Certipikat has been running at 486 Land Offices throughout Indonesia.
The number of Electonic Sertipikats that have been published is proof that public interest in Electronic Certipikat continues to increase for the sake of security and comfort in holding evidence of legal land rights in the eyes of the state.
This Electronic Certificate is one of the things whose implementation continues to be encouraged as a form of transformation of public services of the Ministry of ATR/BPN.
Of all the services provided, the Ministry of ATR/BPN has helped improve the economy of the community and the country, this can be seen from the value of electronic rights issued in 2024 which reached Rp882.7 trillion.
In legalizing assets, one of the main tasks of the Ministry of ATR/BPN is to register and certify land, be it land owned by individual communities, customary land belonging to indigenous peoples, to waqf land and houses of worship.
This year, the Ministry of ATR/BPN has successfully registered 9,171,555 plots of land, with 3,605,520 plots of land.
This achievement completes the success of the Ministry of ATR/BPN in registering land parcels.
Of the initial target of 120 million land parcels registered in 2024, then successfully achieved with the national number of land parcels that have been registered, 120.9 million plots with 95.3 million plots of land have been interpreted until the end of 2024.
On the other hand, the Ministry of ATR/BPN has also succeeded in registering customary land in a number of parts of Indonesia.
The Ministry of ATR/BPN has registered 33 plots of customary land with an area of 1.2 million square meters.
In addition, the Ministry of ATR/BPN has succeeded in inventory and identifying customary land which has been carried out since 2021-2024 in 16 provinces.
From these results, it is estimated that there is customary land covering an area of approximately 3.8 million hectares.
Meanwhile, related to the registration of waqf land and houses of worship, the Ministry of ATR/BPN has registered 268,865 land parcels nationally, with achievements in 2024 land parcels registered at least 15,093 plots.
Under the leadership of Minister Nusron, the Ministry of ATR/BPN will further optimize the registration of waqf land and places of worship, without exception.
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