JAKARTA - Nissa Sabyan is rumored to be the actor among the keyboardist Ayus household relationship. The gossip started with an upload on the Instagram account @mak_nyinyir. The upload shows the contents of an Instagram message claiming to be Ayus's wife's cousin.
The allegation of the perpetrator's issue is getting stronger with uploads from Instagram belonging to Ayus's wife, Ririe Fairus. "There will be a heart that will always love you even though you have hurt him many times," read the message.
The Ririe family continues to disclose information accusing Nissa Sabyan of being the actor. Meanwhile, Nissa chose to remain silent, even though many called her a sharia actor.
The issue of the artist being the actor had rolled out several times. Here are 6 other artists who have earned the nickname of actors from netizens.
1. MayangsariSinger Mayangsari got the nickname actor because it made Bambang Trihatmodjo and Halimah Agustina Kamil's marriage run aground. At that time Mayangsari was run over by Bambang's son. However, he chose to remain silent and gave no explanation. After Bambang and Halimah divorced, she then married Bambang to this day.
2. Mulan JamilaNissa Sabyan's affair with Ayus Sabyan made netizens remember again with the breakdown of Ahmad Dhani and Maia Estianty's households. In the past, Mulan Jameela was accused of being the actor in Dhani and Maia's marriage.
Many accused Mulan of not knowing herself because when the issue of the affair rolled around, Mulan was Maia's duet partner in Duo Ratu. Because of this, many people liken Nissa Sabyan to Mulan Jameea.
3. Sara Wijayanto
Sara Wijayanto was mentioned as the third person in Demian Aditya and Yulia Rachman's household. In 2012, Demian Aditya was caught having an affair with Sara Wijayanto. Even though at that time, Demian Aditya was still the husband of Yulia Rachman. After finding out that her husband was having an affair, Yulia filed for divorce by Demian Aditya in 2013. One year later, Demian Aditya married Sara Wijayanto in 2014.
4. Mieke AmaliaIn October 2020, Mieke Amalia admitted for the first time that she and Tora were in an extramarital affair. On Youtube 3Second TV, Mieke seemed not to hesitate to admit that he was the actor in Tora's marriage. But now both of them are living happily and Mieke is getting along well with Tora's children from their previous marriage.
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5. Jennifer Dunn
Actress Jennifer Dunn was once a hot topic when Shafa Haris bumped her video against social media. Jennifer was accused of being another ideal woman in Shafa's parents, namely Sarita Abdul Mukti and Faisal Haris. This also caused many netizens to criticize Jennifer as a woman who seizes men (actors).
6. Umi PipikIn 2017, Umi Pipik is said to have married a series with Sunnu Fabian, the vocalist of the Matta Band. The issue of secret marriage by Pipik Dian Irawati and Sunu Fabian shocked the public. Moreover, Sunu is still a husband and father of three children. Umi Pipik and Sunu are even reported to have been married in a siri for three years to have a daughter.
Netizens nicknamed Umi Pipik the Sharia Pelakor as the nickname for Nissa Sabyan. Unfortunately, until now there is still no clarification from Umi Pipik's lips.
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