YOGYAKARTA During the holiday season, relaxing atmospheres and lots of dishes are served on the dining table often. Eating lots will certainly affect health as well as making the needle move to the right. To control the diet and so that you don't eat too much, follow the following tips.

When there are many Christmas and year-end party invitations, you need to be selective in choosing what you eat at the event. Don't eat all the menus at the party. Be voters and eat calorie food wisely. Tips, choose the food you like the most to eat in small to medium portions.

It takes a few minutes to recognize the signal 'I'm full' from your stomach to the brain. After eating the opening food, take a break for 10 minutes. Have a conversation while at a family event or other party. Drink water and then check again how hungry you are.

If you do a lot of activities at home, avoid taking a position close to the dining table. It's better to do a lot of activities in a place that is far from the dining table to minimize snacking many times or take food. For snacks, choose food with a complex carbohydra with unsaturated protein and fat. Like a slice of apples with peanut butter or a piece of turkey with cheese on a piece of wheat bread.

Because of the Christmas moment, maybe a lot of eggs are served. Eggnog fire is more or less 500 calories. Wine and beer are around 150 to 225 calories. If possible, drink a glass of mineral water or juice without additional sweeteners.

When eating with a complete order of food, make room for vegetables. Vegetables and fruit, you can make it a delicious snack and even make it the main dish.

Shopping may seem exciting. But avoid doing it when you are hungry. So, it's better to eat before shopping so that you don't get tempted easily when passing through a bowl shop where it emits the aroma of cinnamon rolls or corn.

Ingredients and how much food you cook, need to be considered wisely. You don't need to cook too much during holidays. It's better to cook sufficiently, if you finish it can cook again with a different menu but stay qualified and support your diet program. In addition, be creative with recipes that use high-fat unsaturated ingredients, such as butter, cream, meat fat, or plant-based butter. Change these ingredients with ingredients that are safe for diet and family health.

Although not afdol when gathering with family but not eating. But it's also important to pay attention to what is really meaningful in togetherness. So focus on family, friends, laughter, and joy. For the meal schedule, you can plan together or eat excessively every once in a while.

Tips so as not to eat mostly during the holidays above, you can do this with planning. This is done so that the holidays are still fun without being haunted by concerns regarding weight rising or decreasing health.

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