JAKARTA - Throughout 2023, Indonesia will be flooded with many films from quality Indonesian filmmakers. Among these films are included in other international ranks, as evidenced by the participation of Indonesian films in international festivals.

This is certainly very proud of Indonesia and also ignites the enthusiasm of other filmmakers to continue to produce authentic and quality works so that they can side by side with foreign films.

Here we summarize several Indonesian films that have been appreciated at international festivals starting from Japan, Toronto

1. Degayu: Against the Shore

The Indonesian documentary film "Degayu: Against the Shore" stole the attention of thousands of activities at COP28 UNFCCC, a UN conference for climate change that took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in December 2023. The 25-minute Indonesian film with English subtitles tells the story of the coastal community in Degayu Village, Pekalongan, Central Java.

The film is directed by 23-year-old Ahsania AR Aghnetta, who wants to bring a new perspective on delivering the climate crisis, and hopes art filmmakers and activists use their creativity to voice forgotten community suffering.

Degayu, who reflects the challenges faced by coastal areas around the world, is considered as concrete evidence that strengthens the need for funding for losses and damage due to the impact of climate change. The film is considered to open the eyes to the challenges that will be faced in the future if these conditions do not change immediately.

In addition to the Indonesian Pavilion, films were also watched and discussed at Monash Pavilion, Civil Society Hub, as well as the combined YOUNGO (young contingent for UNFCCC), ICLEI, and Care About Climate.

2. "Pekerti Budi"

The next film that received appreciation abroad was "Budi Pekerti". This film has succeeded in gaining appreciation and positive response from the audience at the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) because the stories and messages conveyed are closely related to the current global conditions as well as the private life of the audience in Toronto. "Budi Pekerti" received many positive responses such as appreciation for the aesthetics, creativity of color, cinematography, and artistic performances. Another unexpected response is the closeness of Prani's teacher to their daily lives which then brought back memories of the past.

The film, directed by Wregas Bhanuteja, tells the story of a counseling guidance teacher named Prani, played by Sha Ine Febriyanti. Prani was then famous in cyberspace because a short video that then generated a lot of negative sentiment from netizens.

The film "Budi Pekerti" airs at TIFF 2023 in early September 2023, and is included in the "Discovery" program which is a special program introducing and appreciating the first or second works of visionary directors. Some of the big names of the cinema world have filled this program such as Christopher Nolan, Yogoros Lanthimos, Marijuanaatur, Joachim Trier, and David Gordon Green.

3. Sara

Film 'Sara' dari rumah produksi Bosan beresar Lab, Ruang Basbeth Ber cerita, dan Visionari Capital Film Fund juga berhasil menayankan filmnya secara perdana di Busan International Film Festival 2023 (IBBF) pada bulan Oktober 2023.

This film tells the story of Sara who is a 35-year-old transpuan woman who has to return to her village after hearing the news of her father's funeral. There, she just found out that her mother had lost her memory as a son due to the trauma of losing her husband.

The author and director of the film 'Sara' Ismail Basbeth wants to show how Sara tries to support the story she creates herself, in accordance with her belief and understanding of her body and her own identity to maintain her life and dignity.

The film 'Sara' stars a row of Indonesian actresses and actors, namely Asha Smara Darra, Christine Hakim, Mian Tiara, and Jajang C. Noer. The film Sara is included in two programs at BIFF 2023, namely Special Program in Focus: Renaissance of Indonesian Cinema and A Window on Asian Cinema.

4. Kretek girls

Other Indonesian filmmakers also successfully performed for the first time at the 2023 Busan International Film Festival (IBBF), namely the series "Cretek Girl" by Kamila Andini & Ifa Isfansyah. The film, starring well-known actors and actresses such as Dian Satrowardoyo, Ario Bayu, Arya Saloka and Putri Marino, tells the story of Kalimiyah (Dian Sastrowardoyo), who is excited to formulate a perfect formula for tobacco cigarettes, known as kretek.

In his story, a message about a brave woman and an epic love story betweenELiyah and Soeraja (Ario Bayu), has a background in the Indonesian kretek cigarette industry and historical events in the 1960s.

This film successfully premiered at BIFF in the Renaissance of Indonesian Cinema program. This program is a program that is presented to celebrate the revival of Indonesia's post-pandemic cinema and prioritize the works of Indonesian filmmakers that stand out.

5. Rantemario

The big screen film "Rantemario", by the nation's children whose production process took a number of tourism locations in South Sulawesi Province, also participated in international film festivals in Europe at the end of 2023.

The film "Ramtemario" raises local wisdom with shooting locations at tourism locations such as Makassar City, Gowa Regency, Maros to Enrekang. The shooting location is also at the top of Mount Rantemario which is one of the seven highest mountain peaks in Indonesia and in the tourist areas of Malino, Gowa and Rammang-rammang, Maros.

The Rantemario film was produced by Cahayaditama in collaboration with the Enrekang Massenrepulu Family Association (Hikma), after it was officially launched, it will be screened on the European continent including Francis and the Netherlands.

6. Sri Asih

Another film that has successfully appeared at international festivals is the film made by Joko Anwar "Sri Asih". This film was appreciated and appeared at the prestigious 2023 International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) in March.

"Sri Asih" is part of the World Cinema Bumilangit (BCU Cinematic Universe) and is the opening ceremony for BCU films. The film Sri Asih tells the story of Alana, an orphaned child who is adopted and begins to build his career as a professional MMA fighter. Alana's greatness caught the attention of Mateo Adinegara, the only son of a wealthy businessman who is challenged to fight Alana who has never lost. However, when Alana lost, Mateo became emotional and immediately attacked Alana's club.

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