JAKARTA - The Los Angeles County Police will investigate the Marilyn Manson case. The statement was broadcast on Thursday, February 18 to Billboard.

“The Los Angeles Police Department, Special Victims Bureau is investigating allegations of domestic violence regarding Mr. Brian Warner is also known as Marilyn Manson, who works in the music industry. "

“The incident that took place between 2009 and 2011 when Mr. Warner lives in the West Hollywood area. "

However, it is not known which cases the police have investigated given the large number of claims made by several victims.

It all started with an Instagram post by actress Evan Rachel Wood on February 1, which mentions all the sexual assault claims she has ever mentioned were made by Marilyn Manson.

“He (Manson) started seducing me when I was a teenager and tortured me for years. I was influenced and manipulated. "

After Wood, four other women wrote down similar accusations and shared their experiences. The newest one comes from Game of Thrones player, Esme Bianco. Meanwhile, Wood continued to request investigations from senators via Instagram.

This case resulted in the expulsion of Marilyn Manson from the record label Loma Vista Records. Its manager, Tony Ciulla also cut off cooperation. Not to mention that his appearances in the series American Gods and Creepshow were also not shown.

Manson himself has stated that he rejects all claims circulating on Instagram. "My intimate relationships have always been consensual."

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