VIDEO: Denny Sumargo Says 2 Shahadat Sentences
VIDEO: Denny Sumargo Says 2 Shahadat Sentences. (VOI Video graphics Team)

JAKARTA - Denny Sumargo is again enlivening social media Instagram and tiktok with his own podcast content. In the podcast, he can be heard mentioning 2 sentences of creed.

Denny Sumargo, who is familiarly called Densu, uploaded his podcast content via his YouTube channel on Tuesday, December 19. The podcast invites Deryansha Azhary, a former member of the music band Vierra. In the content entitled Curhat Bang, Dery shares his hijrah experience. Dery, who is usually called Dery KASISOLUSI, tells his story that changes streams to achieve a quiet life.

Even Dery admitted that he was influenced by the wrong doctrine, so that it was easy for him to worry about other people besides himself. However, there was an interesting incident in the midst of the discussion of the siniar, namely when Densu said 2 sentences of creed. Even though Densu was not smooth in mentioning it, Dery still helped him finish the creed sentence.

Not only that, it turns out that Densu also understands the meaning of the creed he just said. Dery immediately stood up from his seat and hugged Densu while saying that Denny Sumargo had made an oath to join Islam.

Hearing this, Olivia Sumargo's husband just laughed and did not expect while telling Dery to sit back down. The content also received various responses from netizens. Some protested, but some were neutral. Watch the video below.

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