Like Simple But Sweet Appearances? Follow 6 Tips For Combining Minimalist Clothing
Illustration of tips for combining simple but sweet minimalist clothes (Freepic/coconie_studio)

YOGYAKARTA A year ago, a trend with the term Quiet luxury, which intends to mark an elegant but minimalist way of dress. Even international fashion houses dare not label their products. The label is hidden, minimized, and the design is made of quality. The fashion trend seems to be inspired by minimalist styles of dress. Not that it means wearing clothes that are smaller than body size, but not many accessories and styles are more neutral. If you like simple but sweet performances, follow the tips for combining the following minimalist clothes below.

This first tip may not be directly related to what kind of clothing you wear to look minimalist. But according toruly Singla, fashion arranger and style expert, there aren't how many clothes you have to have to focus on building a proper and minimalist look. To get started, select some important items that will form the basis of your style in dress. For example, suits, everyday dresses, loose knits, cloth trousers, denim trousers, blazer, outer, and tanktopes.

The more creative it combines, the more diverse the variety of alloys. This can be your guide in performing minimalists. You don't have to worry about wearing the same clothes, but it's important to stay creative in combining differently every day.

A minimalist appearance requires simple outfits. Even the label is hidden. Cloth for minimal clothing, generally wearing linen, kasmir, cotton, silk, voucher, suede, or leather. Launching InStyle, Wednesday, December 20, the simpler the look, the better the cloth needed, according to Alison Bruhn, founder of The Style That Binds Us.

Clothing organizer Madeleine Kennedy said, "Selecting clothes that are adapted to the property will keep your appearance sharp and raised, while neutral will create a more cohesive appearance. Items like black and white trousers, similar color blazers, and shirts, need to be owned".

Minimal clothes need to be perfected with accessories. For example a pair of pantofel shoes, Hermes silk scarf, minimalist belt, and sweet brooch. So you also need to consider accessories as a long-term investment. Not only supporting your minimalist appearance, you can also choose quality accessories for material investment, for example diamonds, gold-sneered, or superior brands.

Minimal clothing means it also has a not striking logo. Christina Stein's styling advice, rather than choosing something monogram or a large logo, it is better to choose a minimalist design that is not structured and does not provide information about the production house.

Likewise with t-shirts, choose a simple but sweet graphic. Or choose a plain t-shirt that can be used for years to come.

The six tips for combining the minimalist clothes above, you can use them as a reference. You can also rely on creativity to combine luxury branded outfits without worrying that your appearance is too flashy.

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