Irish Bella finally opened her voice regarding the divorce case involving her husband Ammar Zoni, which is still rolling at the Depok Religious Court. In a press conference, Irish Bella explained that the decision to part with Ammar Zoni was not only based on drug problems but there were personal problems that could not be explained to the public. "The decision to part with Ammar is not only based on issues that we have known so far but there are problems that I cannot share with the public," explained Irish Bella in the Cinere area, Depok, West Java, Monday, December 18. Furthermore, Irish Bella admitted that she realized that her decision to part with Ammar Zoni was a pity, but according to her, this has become a guide from God. "Regarding divorce, I am very aware that many have regretted my decision, but again, I myself went through it," he explained.
According to Irish, it was a very difficult decision for him to make, he even admitted that it took him months to finally decide to divorce. He also asked his spiritual teacher in making this decision. "This is also very difficult and it's not something I take rashly. I'm also really thinking about. Searching for this answer takes a long journey, it takes months, more than half a year. So I will definitely consider everything," he said. "This decision-making is not an easy thing for me. I think about all the consequences, I continue to carry it in my prayers, in my prayers. I consulted, I asked my teachers," he concluded.

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