YOGYAKARTA KB Implan alias KB susuk is a contraceptive tool that is shaped like a small tube or resembles a lighter. KB implants are very effective to prevent pregnancy and the life period is quite long, reaching 3 5 years. Although the service period is quite long, the implant family can be removed or removed at any time. So, when should the implant family be removed? The answer to this question can be seen in the following article.

Originally, there was no special time to remove this contraception. KB implants can be removed at any time according to your needs and condition.

However, there are a number of conditions that determine when KB implants need to be removed, including:

1. When side effects of family planning implants interfere with daily life

Quoted from Ai Care, the use of implantation KB can cause side effects for some people. However, the side effects of implantating KB do not last long and can be lost in a few months.

There are several side effects that may arise after the use of implantating KB, namely:

If the side effects of KB implants are very disturbing for your daily life, then you can take the option to remove them and replace the implant with other contraceptives.

2. When not suitable using implantation KB

Quoted from Healthline, the implantation family may be removed immediately if a woman is not suitable for this contraceptive device.

However, before releasing the Implant KB, you need to consult a doctor first.

The implants of KB are not suitable, namely:

3. When planning a pregnancy

Aseptor may remove the implantation KB when planning a pregnancy. A woman with a regular menstrual cycle before using an implantating KB, has the opportunity to get pregnant quickly after an implant contraceptive device is taken from her arm.

For women who experience menstrual disorders while using family planning implants, they may get pregnant soon after their menstrual cycle is back to normal.

4. When its service period runs out

KB implants must be removed when the lifespan has run out. The above has been mentioned that the implant's KB life can reach 3 to 5 years.

KB implants that have had their lifetime removed because they are no longer effective in preventing pregnancy. In order not to concede, you can replace the old implant family planning with a new one.

This is information about when KB implants must be removed. Hopefully the article ii can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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