Getting To Know The Shettles Method, Steps To Plan Gender Types Of Baby Boys Or Girls
Getting to know the method of Shettles (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - There is a married couple who wants a baby boy and there are also those who hope to have a baby girl. There are beauty methods that can be applied to plan the content according to their wishes. However, not many are familiar with the shuttles method and how to do it.

The Shettles method is said to provide 70 to 90 opportunities to plan the gender of the baby that pregnant women carry. This method is applied when a husband and wife make love or have sex by utilizing the nature of sperm carrying Y or X chromosomes.

By recognizing the basic properties of chromodynamics, it can determine several beneficial treatments for each chromosome so that it acquires a baby of the sex as desired. For those of you who are planning a pregnancy program, it is important to get to know the shuttles method and its application.

The Shettles method was discovered and developed in 1960 by Landrum B. Shettles, a doctor from the United States. This scientist is known for his research on human reproduction, fertility, and techniques to influence the sex of the baby.

The Shettles method is based on several basic assumptions, such as different characteristics of sperm X and sperm Y. Dr. Shettles believes that sperm X becomes a chromodynamic determinant of female gender with slower movement but has higher durability.

While Y's chromodynamics is a male fetal-forming chromosome with faster movement but has a durability or a shorter life period.

In addition to studying sperm or chromosome characteristics, the Shettles method also examines opportunities for the baby's darkening type based on vaginal pH, sexual position, time, and environmental conditions.

So the Shettles method is a way to learn the influences that determine the formation of the baby's gender. The application of this method is done by taking into account several things, ranging from sexual positions, vaginal pH, sex time, and others.

Here are tips or steps to increase the chances of having a baby boy based on the Shettles method, quoted from

The Shettles method recommends that married couples penetrate deeply with sex positions from behind. This penetration from behind allows sperm Y to reach the cervix more quickly, so that it can achieve the goal first compared to sperm X. This penetration position is considered more profitable because sperm Y is able to move faster towards the egg.

Time to have sex also needs to be considered according to the Shettles method to increase the chances of baby boys. Husband and wife couples are encouraged to refrain from having sex from the beginning of the menstrual cycle until the day of ovulation and within three days. This step aims to give the advantage for sperm Y (the carrier of male chromosomes) to be more dominant when ovulation occurs.

Shettles also recommends that women control orgasm time. He believes that the condition of base or acid will affect the sustainability of sperm. The condition of vaginal acid after a woman's orgasm, may not support sperm X and besides that sperm Y becomes superior. Therefore, women need to achieve orgasm first before men ejaculation, so that sperm Y has a greater chance.

The Shettles method also emphasizes that a base environment is more likely to support the survival of Y sperm. To create a based vaginal environment, it is recommended to soak in base-based solutions such as soda cake dissolved in water.

However, procedures or treatment that affect vaginal pH are not supported by health experts because it can interfere with the natural balance of bacteria and pH in the vagina. The procedure also increases the risk of infection and other potentially harmful side effects.

Here are the steps or tips for getting a baby girl by applying the Shettles method:

For couples who want to have a baby girl, the shuttles method recommends choosing sex times earlier than the menstrual cycle. You should avoid having sex in the days before and after ovulation. So you can start sex a few days after menstruation and stop at least three days before ovulation.

The Shettles method states that the best sex position for girls is in a missionary style, namely the position of men above women. This position allows penetration to be done not too deeply, so sperm need to travel further in an acidic vaginal environment. In addition, an acidy vaginal environment also allows female sperm to survive more than male sperm.

Douching also needs to be considered in order to obtain acidity levels in the vagina of women. The Shettles method recommends that you do douching using 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and 1 liter of water. However, it is emphasized that before douching, you need to consult a doctor first.

That's a review of getting to know the Shettles method to get a baby of the gender as expected. However, before applying this method, you and your partner are advised to consult a doctor or expert.

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