YOGYAKARTA - Talking about the food and beverage (f&b) business is very interesting. Given that this business is quite popular due to wide market opportunities. However, not a few of these businesses are out of business due to their tough business competition. One of the reasons is the problem of determining the location of a good f&b bisni.

Sometimes business people with location problems are often problem number two, the important thing is that the rental price is affordable. Whereas the problem of location is very decisive about the future of your f&b business. Well, this time there are some tips so that you can do the f&b business well and don't drain a lot of bags.

1. Choose an Easy-to-reach Location

Actually, in a modern era like this, it doesn't have to be by having a business location on the big side of the road. If you look at the 'Hidden Gem' trend for restaurants and cafes, of course this could be a big opportunity.

But what must be remembered is the location of your culinary business that is easy to reach. Especially for Online Delivery, so that your customers can order the menu of dishes that you are doing.

Choose a business location that has good access, has been paved or concreted so that other people can easily go to your business location. If it's bad people's access roads will be lazy to go there.

2. Select a Developing Location

If you just design a business to open an f&b business for a long time, for example in the next 5-10 years. Should you choose a position or area that is developing. Why choose a position that is growing and does not choose one that has developed?

This is because the land in that place has a relatively cheaper price than a place that has actually developed, where the price of land is certainly so expensive.

If you are still hesitant about the development of the area, you can conduct independent research on the area, what is the condition of the land, whether there are shopping centers or office centers or at least what development projects are there, such as schools, housing, hospitals and others.

Also ask the local people about the background and history of the area to make them more confident in buying land in that position.

3. Select Position with Extensive Parking Land

Parking is also one aspect that makes people want to come to your f&b business position, especially for areas that do not have sufficient public transportation. If you do business f&b, you can be sure there is a parking lot that is least suitable for 3 cars and 10 motorbikes, lah.

4. Choose An Easy Land Position To Build

Choose an easy-to-build soil position, meaning stay away from the sloping soil position, difficulty with water access, and located near swamps. This kind of soil is not suitable for business because it can make you continue to lose money due to continuous building repairs.

Those are some ways that you can use in choosing land for the f&b business position, especially for those of you who want to own land for your own business.

Building a business requires careful preparation and full of calculations, as well as choosing the land to create a business position, especially if your business capital is not so large. So you have to think about it carefully according to your budget and capabilities.

So after knowing how to determine the exact location of the f&b bisni, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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