YOGYAKARTA Sex hormones are chemicals responsible for the reproduction and sexual desire of men and women. In women including estrogen and progesterons. Men have testosterone produced by testes, endocrine systems and adrenal glands. Homon sex in women is produced by ovaries, endocrine systems, and adrenal glands.
Men and women have different sex hormones. But some of them have the same function. In women, have the following sex hormones:
In men, the sex hormone includes the following:
The function of the sex hormone is not only related to reproductive desire and health. But it also affects the growth and development, immune system, organ health, and mood as well as brain function. If the sex hormone fluctuates, launching VerywellHealth, Wednesday, November 29, it will affect menstrual cycles, pre-mentarational dysphoric disorders (PMDD), menopause, erectile dysfunction in men, polyxistic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), infertility, acne, bbotness in men, and virialization.
Understanding the causes of sex hormone imbalance is important for making treatment plans. Because the imbalance in the sex hormone is caused by a medical condition, it requires medical treatment. But hormonal imbalance due to aging, there is no treatment to fix it. Practically, you can balance the sex hormone in the following way:
Consuming a balanced diet, exercising regularly, maintaining healthy weight, eliminating the use of alcohol, and getting enough sleep affect hormone levels positively. For this reason, consider improving bad habits to be healthier so that the sex hormone is balanced.
Some herbs and supplements claim to restore hormonal balance. For example, black vulnerabilities or jintan, can help increase estrogen levels and improve symptoms of menopause.
Hormone therapy can be done in various forms, such as oral drugs, coyo, creams, vaginal supositoria, subdermal pellets, or injections. Synthetic form but can help increase the low level of sex hormones. Well, to undergo hormone therapy, it must be done medically.
This therapy is done when a certain hormone deficiency in men and women affects reproduction and sexual desire. It also needs to be done medically and with special care.
If you experience symptoms of sex hormone imbalance, it is important to talk to health care providers. In addition, it is important to do a blood test of the sex hormone to help identify the cause of imbalance.
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