YOGYAKARTA Choosing dishes consumed is everyone's preference. You can choose to be free to eat anything, but there are also preferences that choose plant-based or plant-based foods. Launching the Heart Foundation, Monday, November 27, the vegetable food-based diet includes a series of diets ranging from not consuming small to moderate amounts of animal products. There is also a vegan lifestyle that almost completely seeks to consume plant-based. Meanwhile, flexitarian, which mostly limits eating red meat and gets more protein from fish or seafood, eggs, and fruit.

Plant-based diets are also recommended to build heart health. This pattern requires adaptation by choosing fruit-based dishes, vegetables, plant-based protein sources, vegetable fats, with spices and spices to enrich the taste of food.

Scientific research also shows that consuming more plant-based proteins, supports better heart health. There are also studies that prove replacing animal protein with plant-based protein for your heart. Other studies have also shown that consuming too much red meat increases the risk of heart disease.

In addition to scientific evidence regarding the health of plant-based diets, there are a number of reasons why people undergo this diet. Covering animal welfare, the impact on the environment, culture, religion or other personal beliefs.

Well, to undergo a plant-based diet, it is necessary to face the challenge of innovating in creating a typical spice-rich dish in the archipelago with 100 percent plant-based ingredients. This is a commitment of Green Rebel Foods, which, this brand of food technology in Southeast Asia, has a mission of democratizing healthy and sustainable food by making whole meat, dairy, and full plant-based sauce. Each process, formulation, and material obtained by the dietless food producer does not reduce the sensation of eating meat in typical Nusantara dishes, such as rendang, balayo arts, and maranggi satay.

On Saturday, November 25, last week, a plant-based dinner menu was released as a form of collaboration between Green Rebel Foods and Omah Budoyo restaurant. Omah Budoyo is an art gallery that has four zones, namely art galery, show room, cafe store, and pavilion. Currently, this gallery is being held by an exhibition of five young artists based on material The Unbrittle themed.

The kicked-based dinner menu released processes various typical Nusantara dishes based on plant-based. The creation of the main chef Omah Budoyo, among them is made from Beefless betternk, Badminton, fish, and eggsless. The menu presented presents a distinctive taste of Indonesia. The meat, replaced by a high protein, fiber, cholesterol-free, and environmentally friendly diet. The menu features a flexible Indonesian spice flavor when combined with the basic ingredients of vegetable protein. The seven menus released include beefless rendang, beefless rawon, beefless yeastferen satay, chicken satay, basil chicken, fishpepes, and Eggless friction.

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